#dirty Harry’s house
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It's a casual ?

Inspirado na música: Casual — Doja cat
O silêncio entre nós era tão familiar quanto o peso do corpo dele ao meu lado, minha pele ainda carregava os vestígios do que havia acontecido há pouco tempo, o toque dele, o calor, os sons, como tudo parecera tão certo, nossas roupas ainda estavam espalhadas pelo chão, meu vestido caro repousava sobre a poltrona, enquanto a camiseta dele largada perto da mala de viagem, exatamente onde ele a jogou assim que chegou
Sempre a mesma cena.
Sempre o mesmo final.
Harry respirava profundamente que, por um instante, pensei que ele havia dormido, então, seu braço deslizou preguiçosamente pela minha cintura, puxando-me para perto.
— Você está acordada? — Seu peito quente encontrou minhas costas, sua voz estava rouca pelo sono.
— Sim.
— Sabe, fiquei com saudades de verdade de você. — Seu rosto encaixou no vão do meu pescoço, um arrepio veio instantaneamente.
Engoli em seco, porque não queria que ele percebesse como meu coração acelerava toda vez que fazia isso, toda vez que falava desse jeito, como se fosse meu.
— Na próxima, então não demora tanto para vir me ver. — Me esforcei para soar indiferente.
— Tá bom, eu prometo. — Ele riu e deixou um beijo suave em minha orelha. — Boa noite, amor.
Ele me chamava assim todas às vezes.
E todas às vezes, dizia a mim mesma que não significava nada.
— Boa noite.
Harry se aninhou contra mim e relaxou, como se dormir ao meu lado fosse seu lugar favorito no mundo.
Já fazia três anos que isso acontecia, três anos desse nosso lance casual e secreto, podíamos passar meses sem nos falar, sem trocar uma única mensagem, mas sempre que nos encontrávamos, era como se nunca tínhamos ficado longe.
E era isso que me destruía.
Quando acordei, a luz do sol incomodava meus olhos através das cortinas, a primeira coisa que senti foi o calor do corpo dele colado ao meu, o cheiro dele ainda impregnado na minha pele, meu coração se apertou quando percebi que estávamos abraçados, seu braço ainda estava firme ao redor da minha cintura, sua respiração lenta contra meu pescoço, me deixei levar por alguns minutos, só sentindo ele ali comigo.
Eu odiava que isso parecesse amor.
— Bom dia. — Ele abriu os olhos, me encarando por um momento. — Que horas são?
— Não sei. — Minha garganta apertou, porque eu sabia que aquela era a pior parte.
Harry me soltou e se sentou na cama, eu sabia que ele sairia dali em poucos minutos, como sempre fazia.
— Você quer que eu fique um pouco mais?
Essa era a primeira vez que ele perguntou isso e eu não sabia o que responder. Eu poderia dizer para ele ficar, poderia dizer que queria mais do que aquilo, mas em vez disso, só sorri porque, por um segundo, eu quase me iludi com a ideia de que ele se importava.
— Não — menti.
— Tá bom. — Harry apertou os lábios, hesitando por mais um segundo. — Eu vou indo.
Meus olhos o seguiram enquanto ele vestia sua camisa, pegava seus sapatos, arrumava seus cabelos. Ele me encarou uma última vez antes de ir embora.
E eu fiquei, mais uma vez.
Três meses.
Esse foi o tempo que levou para eu ver Harry de novo, mas, dessa vez, tudo estava diferente.
Dias depois de termos ficado juntos no quarto de hotel, surgiram novos rumores, algumas fotos dele em restaurantes, passeando em Londres com uma nova mulher. Depois vieram os vídeos, as postagens, as matérias e mais rumores de que aquilo estava ficando sério.
Harry Styles estava namorando?
Eu deveria estar acostumada, afinal ele sempre esteve com outras, assim como eu sempre estive com outros, mas dessa vez era diferente porque ele não estava apenas ficando com essa mulher, era mais do que isso, ele nem ao menos se deu o trabalho de me avisar que estava realmente sério com alguém e ao contrário de como era comigo, com ela não havia fugas apressadas pelas portas dos fundo, não havia óculos escuros e bonés para esconder o rosto, ele a deixou à vista de todos, como se não houvesse nada a esconder.
Agora, nesta noite de Brit Awards, eu fui obrigada a encarar a realidade.
O evento estava deslumbrante, como sempre, flashes de câmeras quase nos cegando e os maiores nomes da indústria reunidos em um mesmo espaço. O salão estava lotado de celebridades e os convidados conversavam e riam, enquanto prêmios eram entregues no palco sob aplausos e gritos da plateia.
E então, ele apareceu.
Harry entrou com ela ao seu lado, a modelo mais falada do momento, alta, pele dourada como se tivesse passado semanas no verão europeu, olhos cor de mel, ela era linda, isso eu não podia negar, mas o que realmente me atingiu foi o jeito que ele parecia ao lado dela, rindo, relaxado, confortável, como se gostasse de exibi-la.
Não procurei por ele, não chamei, não fiz nada que pudesse atraí-lo, eu estava com raiva, com ciúmes, eu não queria vê-lo, mas eu sabia que, no final da noite, ele me encontraria, eu podia até evitar cruzar seu caminho durante o evento, mas depois?
Ele me encontraria.
Como sempre.
Era apenas uma questão de tempo.
E obviamente, na after party que estava acontecendo em luxuoso salão de um hotel cinco estrelas, Harry só esperou a oportunidade que queria para me encurralar. Assim que saí do banheiro, no corredor estreito, lá estava ele, encostado na parede, com um copo de uísque em uma mão e um sorriso torto nos lábios.
— Você sabe como me irrita quando finge que não me conhece.
— Não estou fingindo nada. — Murmurei, tentando seguir em frente, mas senti sua mão firme me segurando.
— Ah, não? Então, olha para mim.— Mantive o olhar fixo no chão, recusando-me a lhe dar esse gostinho. — Vai mesmo continuar jogando esse jogo? — Sua voz deslizou pelo meu pescoço como um sussurro quente enquanto ele se aproximava.
— Você não está acompanhado, Styles?
— Isso nunca te impediu antes. — Com um movimento rápido, ele me virou para encará-lo.
— Agora é diferente.
— Diferente como? — Ele arqueou a sobrancelha, me prensando levemente contra a parede.
O cheiro dele me atingiu, e meu coração falhou uma batida. Ele parecia ainda mais bonito do que eu lembrava. Harry sempre teve esse maldito charme quando estava um pouco bêbado, eu odiava o quanto isso mexia comigo.
Fazia tanto tempo desde a última vez.
Tempo demais.
Eu senti falta dele.
— Quando fazíamos isso, nós nunca estávamos traindo ninguém, agora você tem namorada.
— Namorada? — Ele riu, como se fosse uma piada.
— A mulher com quem você está.
— Você sabe que eu não namoro. — Ele inclinou a cabeça, como se fosse óbvio.
— Então por que ela está aqui com você? Por que viria com ela se vocês não estão sérios?
— S/n...
— Você nem fez o favor de no mínimo me avisar sobre isso, sabe como fiquei quando você posou com ela?— O interrompi, sentindo a raiva crescer dentro de mim. — Então é melhor voltar para sua namoradinha. — Tentei me soltar, mas ele segurou firme.
— Eu não quero falar disso, agora.— Sua voz rouca ecoou em meu ouvido, fazendo um arrepio percorrer minha pele. — Eu quero você, só você.
Fechei os olhos por um segundo, sentindo a pressão da sua mão em minha cintura.
Tudo em mim gritava para ceder.
— Eu não consigo fazer isso, não assim. — Ergui o rosto, encontrando seus olhos.
Me virei para sair, mas antes que andasse dois passos, senti sua mão em meu pulso, me impedindo.
— Você vai mesmo fazer isso?
— Não finja que sua noite está arruinada quando, no final, terá uma mulher na sua cama de qualquer jeito.
— S/n.
Soltei minha mão da dele e me afastei, sentindo seu olhar queimando minhas costas enquanto saía daquele corredor.
O caminho de volta para o hotel foi sufocante, eu não conseguia apagar o que aconteceu da minha mente. Assim que entrei no quarto, me joguei na cama, queria chorar, mas estava cansada demais até para isso, foi quando o som de batidas na porta interrompeu meus pensamentos.
Eu não precisava abrir para saber quem era, sabia que ele viria, mas isso não significava que eu queria vê-lo. Fiquei parada esperando que ele desistisse, mas as batidas continuaram até que, com um suspiro pesado, fui até a porta e a abri.
— O que você está fazendo aqui?
— Posso entrar?
— Não. — Mas ele já havia passado por mim, fechando a porta atrás de si e trancando-a, como se tivesse esse direito. — O que você quer, Harry? Se veio para tentar me levar para cama, me poupe do trabalho.
— Eu precisava te ver, não queria que as coisas tivessem ficado daquele jeito.
— E como você queria que terminassem? Comigo sorrindo e dizendo que está tudo bem?
— Não faça isso...
— Não faça o quê? — Eu cruzei os braços o fitando.
— Isso, eu não quero brigar.
— Me fala, o que a gente tem, Harry? Além de eu ser seu segredo?
— S/n...
— Fala a verdade! Isso é casual? Ou somos algo mais?
— Vamos deixar isso para lá. — Ele avançou, puxando-me pela cintura. — Eu quero tanto te beijar.
— Eu já disse que não quero. — Me afastei dele.
— Por que não pode simplesmente aceitar o que temos?
— Aceitar o quê, Harry? O que exatamente nós temos?— Eu já sabia a resposta.
— Você sabe que eu me importo com você, eu gosto de você por perto... — Seus olhos pareciam dizer a verdade, ou eu tentava acreditar que sim. — Eu sinto sua falta e você sabe que é especial para mim.
— Especial? Mas não o suficiente para me assumir.
— Não é isso... — Ele esfregou o rosto. — Eu não quero estragar o que a gente tem, não quero que as pessoas se metam, não quero te fazer sofrer.
— Mas você fez. — Minha voz tremeu e eu odiei isso. — Me magoou hoje quando ficou ao lado de outra mulher enquanto fingia que eu não existia e agora está aqui, me dizendo que eu sou especial, como se isso fosse o bastante, se gosta tanto dela, por que você apenas não fica com ela?
— Eu não me importo com ela. — Ele se aproximou de novo e meu corpo quase traiu minha mente. — Ela é como todas as outras e eu não me importo com nenhuma outra, só com você, é por isso que estou aqui. — Sua mão acariciou meu rosto, me fazendo estremecer.
— Não diga isso se não é verdade, você não precisa me compensar com mentiras bonitas.
— Mas eu nunca menti para você, nunca prometi nada, você sempre soube que seria assim, então não me faça ser o vilão da história quando você sabia que eu nunca quis um rótulo.
— Você diz que não quer uma namorada, mas age como se quisesse. — Me afastei, tirando sua mão de mim. — Você é carinhoso, me chama de amor, faz tudo parecer perfeito, você me abraça quando acordamos, diz que gosta de mim... — Senti as lágrimas descerem. — Estou tentando ser paciente, mas como é que eu vou aguentar isso?
Harry me encarou por um longo momento, como se procurasse um jeito de consertar aquilo, mas não havia saída, eu precisava da verdade.
— O que você quer de mim?
— Eu quero um homem que lute por mim, que me queira de verdade, que não tenha medo de assumir o que sente.— Estava despejando todos os sentimentos dos últimos três anos naquele momento.— Eu quero que você seja meu, mas se você não pode me dar isso então me deixe ir, me deixa encontrar alguém que possa.
— S/N... — Harry me puxou contra seu peito, seus dedos pressionaram minha cintura, como se quisessem me manter ali a qualquer custo. — Eu odeio isso... — O aperto dele se intensificou. — Me perdoa. — As lágrimas quentes dele escorreram por minha nuca. — Não me odeie...
— Para... — Fechei os olhos com força, eu já sabia o que viria a seguir.
Sabia e ainda assim parte de mim rezava para que ele não dissesse, para que ficasse em silêncio, para que apenas me segurasse, mas ele continuou.
— Eu não posso prometer o que você quer de mim... — A confissão saiu como um sussurro. — Eu não sei como ser o cara que você espera que eu seja.
E ali estava.
A verdade nua e crua, perfurando meu peito como uma lâmina, forcei meus pés a se moverem, eu precisava sair daquele abraço antes que ele me destruísse por completo, porque ironicamente, aquele era o único lugar onde eu queria estar.
Com o pouco de força que me restava, me afastei, caminhei até a porta, destranquei-a sem olhar para trás.
— Vai embora.
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Shatter my soul
Summary : Harry has been suffering from an addiction and y/n decides to take time for herself or based on this ask
Pairing: rockstarboyfried!Harry x reader!y/n
Warnings: Angst
A/n: this piece turned so much better than I hoped for.
My masterlist
When they decided to take time for themselves harry and y/n were in a rough spot with not only their 11 years long relationship but their entire life.
After being falsely accused and getting fired from her dream job, gave up any and all hope y/n had as she came home to her love only to find him passed out in the middle of the living room.
His cocaine addiction was getting out of hand so much that he almost died of overdose saved by y/n who decided to come home early for some reason.He swore to never touch that stuff again but there he was high off his mind as he mumbles incoherently lying on the floor a week later.
The next day after getting him sober y/n decided it was best for them to take a break to figure out themselves and their life as she can't stand by him hurting himself like that. Harry had his issues, stress eating him alive at every wake hour ,he decides it was better if he wasn't in his own mind. The cocaine he could easily get his hands on was just a massive perk for him.
It had been a month and half. Y/n got a job at a restaurant and works as a bartender at night. She moved back to her old appartment after their break up and had been doing well on her own. She missed harry a lot even though their good days were well past months she still loved him, still wanted to help him and show him that she was there for him no matter what. She just wished he was doing better too. After their first week of breakup harry had called her high as he mumbled how much he missed her and promised to be better she just hopes he kept his promise.
It was a month later when y/n was at her favourite arcade bar with her friends. The place was a little loud with drunk men drinking beers and shouting at the screens.
They were seated in a booth after a good round of beers and fun. She was mindlessly talking with her friend klara when the bartender calls her name.
Y/n walks to the bar and the bartender points to the payphone at the corner of the room.
They still got payphones
Y/n thinks to herself as she brings the phone to her ears. The first thing she hears is a sob which sends her into alert. "Hello?" She questions and the person on the other line replies "Baby, it's me.." he sobs out making y/n quiet as he continues "I'm getting sober. It's the hardest thing I've ever had to do but I'd do anything for you baby. Just want you back, want to love on you like you deserve" he says breathing hard as y/n finds her words.
"I'm so happy to hear that H. That's what I wanted for you." Y/n says a smile breaking on her face as she tries to calm him down but he doesn't he keeps crying which makes y/n a little scared because it would've been really hard for him to be doing this alone.
Y/n should've struck by him, isn't that what their relationship should have meant. She feels incredibly guilty for walking away when things got worse but she did it wishing for the best and maybe it kinda did work out in the end and now all she wanted was to be with him and show him how much she appreciates him doing this for her.
"I'm gonna be there okay? I'm so proud of you baby" y/n says ready to hang up the phone but harry breaths out before she could "No, no i....you can't....I want you to but" y/n cuts him off in worry "what's going on H?"
"I wrote you a letter"he says and the other end is quiet as he continues.
"I wrote it so I could get everything out. I think?" He sounded so unsure his voice raspier than usual. " It should be in your apartment" he adds and y/n says she would read it and come by his place before hanging up the phone.
She bids goodbye to her friends after explaining them about the situation and then waving her off with a concerned look on their face as y/n walks back to her apartment. She goes through all her mail and finds the one harry had sent. Her name and address on the envelope.
She opens it and it had two sheets folded inside it. She didn't know what to expect as she reads through it.
My love,
Today has been particularly hard without you by my side. My manager has been pressing me for the next album but how could I think about anything but you. It had been 8 weeks since I last heard your voice and I never knew how much it filled my life untill I couldn't hear it anymore and I think maybe that's what made me want to give up the drugs even if it feels like I'm drowning. I'd do it for you.
I still remember the tears in your eyes when you told me about you ex and how mad it made me. I wanted to bury him alive for hurting you like that. I never wanted to infect any kind of pain in you. I swore I never would when I saw the lack of trust in your eyes.
It killed me to see the smile on your face slowly fading away because of me. I wanted to hold you close and tell you I'd be back. We'll get all of the good times we had together back because that was what you deserved. But I couldn't save myself not for me but for you because you are everything i have left. The only person who stood by me through it all and maybe that's what made me realise I was nothing without when you left.
I was always honest with you even when I was out of my mind i tried to explain what I was feeling. I know you blamed yourself that you couldn't help me but this was my own battle and you were the warrior in the front ready to kill anyone even though you didn't have to. You were always there for me and I'm really sorry if I wasn't baby. Because
You deserve better than that.
You deserve someone who would be there for you.
You deserve someone who would stay true to their promises.
You deserve someone who would stay good for you.
You deserve better than me.
You deserve every happiness in this world.
She is at the end of the page her soul shattered with each word when a knock on the door pulls her out. She has a few tears falling down her cheeks. She wips them off before opening the door to find her close friend klara.
"Hey , what ar-" y/n is cut off as klara bursts "I need to tell you something"
"Oh okay, come on in" y/n opens the door wider to let her in but klara shakes her head as she continues "No, I just need to tell you this....i" she's breathless and y/n patiently waits for her to continue.
"I slept with harry" she says after a few deafening seconds which stretches to minutes after the words are out.
"It was stupid and I was drunk and it just happened. We were both out of our minds and we didn't know what was happening. I'm really sorry y/n. I didn't mean for it to happen. I'm sorry"
Y/n is still as she listens to her ramble. All of y/n's friends hated harry something about him not treating her right while he was the total opposite. She never knew why that was but to hear her bestfriend had slept with her boyfriend of years cut deep into her poor heart and the stabs just kept coming.
"It happened a few months ago and I couldn't stop myself from going back. I didn't mean for it to happen y/n you have to believe me" klara begs her eyes welled up with tears.
Y/n couldn't stop herself from thinking how much of a fool she was for thinking all those nail marks on his shoulder, love bites on his jaw and chest were from her when she knew it wasn't. The woman's perfumes he used to smell like made her realise it wasn't just Klara. And one thought kept haunting her mind as she stands on her doorway.
Had she really been that delusional ?
A/n: I think I just broke my own heart 😭. Who wants a part 2?
Read part 2 here
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Harry's Home
Part IV.
Part I. Part II. Part III.
Pairing: Roommate!Harry/Roommate!Reader; Harry Styles/Curvy Reader
Word Count: ~13k words 😅 it’s been a long time comin’, babes!
🔞TW🔞: Adult Language, ‼️Unprotected Sex‼️, ‼️GRAPHIC SMUT‼️, Rough Sex, ‼️CNC‼️, ‼️Dubious Consent‼️, Daddy!Kink, ‼️Choking‼️, ‼️Degradation/Name-Calling‼️, Breeding!Kink, Spitting, ‼️Slapping‼️, Spanking, Cunnilingus, Creampie, Cum-Swapping, Cum-Fetish, 💕Fluff💕
I typically get home from work before Harry does, and so my current state of rest and relaxation—coincidentally adjacent to the book I’m holding: My Year of Rest and Relaxation—is an occurrence Harry’s used to coming home to by now. I mean, not that he’s coming home to me. He’s just…coming home, and I also happen to be living here. Speaking of which, I’m situated in my bedroom. I've already slipped into my night clothes—thin, loose pajama pants and an oversized crop tee—laying my back against the cushioned headboard of my bed.
Suddenly, my ears perk up. The hum and vibration of the garage door opening and closing pulls my attention away from the novel I’d been engrossed in for the past hour towards my empty door frame. Less than a minute later, a door slams, physically startling me, and my posture straightens as if I’m expecting a scolding. I have no reason to react this way, really. It’s not like I have Daddy Issues or anything…or even like this is something out of the ordinary…
Harry’s home…
That’s all.
But judging by the door slams, Harry’s not all sunshine and rainbows this evening. And that, as well, is not something out of the ordinary. Today is just like any other day. Nothing special. Nothing different. But for some reason, it’s as if I can feel the force of his brooding presence weighing heavily atop my chest from an entire floor away.
I’m staring dumbly at my room’s entrance. Harsh, stomping footsteps alert me of Harry’s wandering after-work routine. Even with my ears plugged, I’d still sense the undying tension between us growing as our distance lessened. My heart is pounding violently in my chest. I make the conscious decision to set my book aside on my nightstand once I realize I’ve read the same sentence 20 times.
“Hey, Bunny?! You upstairs, love?” his voice booms, and my thighs immediately squeeze together at the velvety baritone calling out for me. I’m stuck in place and now a competitive mouth-breather—I could be the final girl in a horror film. Geez, chill out, Y/N. I’ve welcomed him home a million times before, and I’ve never felt this…needy—nay—desperate. My body feels so starved. His footsteps are ascending up the stairs now.
Harry reaches our second floor and releases a deep sigh. “Mmhm?” My reply starts to flow out of me like a moan and I swallow the second half of it down in an attempt to cut it short. It’s for naught as I suck in a harsh breath immediately afterwards, sounding like I’m drowning on land. Oh, God…and I can feel a wet patch soaking through the crotch-seam of my pajamas. My nipples are poking out beyond my thin, lacy, unpadded bra, shamelessly creating peaks through my loose t-shirt. Harry suddenly appears from the depths of the hallway and stands tall at my open door. I’m maneuvering myself so that I’m sitting upright, but then the fabric slowly tugs taut over my chest, clinging to my sensitive nipples and stimulating them even more. My lips part and I can’t help the whimper that comes out of me. It’s audible enough that the man scrunches his forehead and questions my well-being once he hears it. “You alright, Bun’?” he asks, his brow arched with mild concern. I gasp, startled by his abrupt entrance, and my body instinctively recoils. My buxom breasts bounce from the action. The movement is subtle—well, as subtle as a large pair of jiggling tits can be when they’re knocked around by walls of inertia and the force of gravity—and Harry doesn’t miss any of it. His eyes blink down to watch the magic of physics for a moment, and all I can think about is how I hope he can’t see how hard my nipples are through my thin bra and top…
What am I even saying?! Who am I trying to convince? We all know I’d flash him Girls-Gone-Wild-style right now if I had the guts.
He furrows his eyebrows at me from across the dimly-lit room and leans his hip against the door frame, crossing his arms over his front. I’m trying not to become distracted by how well his biceps fill out his dress shirt, or by the way the muscles in his chest dance a little bit every time he folds his arms like that. “Uh-huh.” I moan(again), unable to form a coherent sentence. I’m still on my merry way to the mouth-breather national championships, but at least I’m not wheezing…yet. Am I on the verge of hyperventilation? Who knows. My body only seems to betray me…so stay tuned. Harry’s tongue pokes out of his mouth and he slicks it from side to side to dampen his bottom lip.
“Why ya so jumpy..? Wha’s wrong?” He inquires, his eyes drifting down to my heaving chest again. His eyes flick back up to mine seemingly as soon as he clocks the two little bullets aimed in his direction. His complexion warms, but I’m certain his blush is nothing compared to mine. I swear, if he keeps looking at my tits like that…Gah…Is it getting hotter in here? Shit, didn’t he ask me something? Eh, whatever. Words aren’t even exiting my mouth anymore. Harry’s just standing there, keeping his distance and watching me pant like I’ve just finished the mile-run in gym class (what a nightmare). Judging by the worry in his brow and genuine concern in his voice, I must have given him the impression that I’d just seen a goddamned ghost walk through the wall or something. I almost wish I had that excuse to fall back on right now…But the room falls silent. Each puff of carbon dioxide is released from my mouth like a silent cry for help. So now I’m really playing the part of the out-of-breath chubby girl in gym class. Not exactly the vibe I’m going for right now. Or ever. Never again—AH! I need to say something—anything! I can hear the swoosh of my eyelashes as they cut through the air every time I blink. I’m significantly hyper-aware of my body. What if I swallow the excess spit in my mouth and I start choking?! Oh, God…now I’m worried about that?!
Any explanation or reassurance Harry assumes to receive for my strange behavior is withheld. It’s gotten to the point where I don’t even know how to explain myself to him because I’ve let this go on for too long. Seconds pass by in a torturous silence, but the seconds feel like minutes, and one minute feels like an eternity when I’m in the same room as a 6-foot ticking time-bomb who’s one nudge away from exploding into a holy-shit-fit. Crabby Harry doesn’t like to feel ignored. He doesn’t like to repeat himself. And he doesn’t like it when his pretty little roommate is disobedient.
Abandoning his usual, gentle inflection, he amplifies his voice and waves his hands back and forth, seemingly annoyed and now crossing the line over to belligerence. “Hellooo?!” Harry calls out to me. My ears ring at the aggressive tone and I flinch. “What's the matter with you, huh?” Still nothing. Well, I’m saying nothing. Everything is the matter with me. There’s so much wrong. Please help me. Get me out of this fucking room or I’ll scream.
Another empty beat goes by. This is so embarrassing.
Being the ill-tempered and impatient man he is, Harry’s reprimanding escalates, now practically yelling at me like I’ve been a bad girl, “Oi! What kind of bloody game are y’playin’ here?! ‘S not funny, Y/N. I’m over it.” He grits and steps completely into my room now. My personal space has officially been breached. I hold no more power in my safe little bubble anymore. He nods his head once whilst making a lifting gesture with his hand. “C’mon…Sit up and look at me when I’m speaking to you,” he bites out, his voice snappy and demanding.
Hm. Ok, so, it’s safe to say that he is, indeed, not in a good mood—not in the mood to try and be patient while his horny and dumb roommate is devouring him with her eyes and forgetting how to breathe properly, that’s for sure.
His heightened volume and combative language pulls me back to reality. I clear my throat and sit with my legs criss-crossed under me. My shaky hands find solace deep inside my lap, squeezing between the warm thickness of my thighs. The hasty new sitting position causes the crotch seam of my pajama pants to rest tightly against the slit of my pussy. Every time I move my hips or straighten my back, it tugs the thick seam forwards/backwards against my clit, sending waves of teasing pleasure through my lower tummy. But I try to be oblivious to this right now because I really don't need the extra stimulation. I’m already drenched and dying for Harry to pump load after load of cum inside of me—you know, just my typical Friday.
“I’m sorry…I-I’m…just really…super tired…” I fake a yawn. “…Just woke up from a nap.” I croak, lazily rubbing my eye to play it up. What a bold-faced lie—I’m wide fucking awake. My corneas may be stinging, and my thoughts are completely clouded with lust, but I couldn’t fall asleep right now even if I tried. He’d have to choke me out…Ooh…
I tilt my head down, feeling utterly flustered and ashamed of my naughty internal voice. But I’m finally able to direct my rogue train of thought away from the tracks to fucktown, returning my sights to the real-life Harry who’s currently glaring at me. Yeesh…He’s pissed. “So, um…long day?” My voice cracks pathetically. Those are gonna be my famous last words, aren’t they? Harry clenches his jaw before answering me. “Long day—?” He stops himself, scoffs, and runs a hand through his hair. “Oh, Y/N, now that you’ve mentioned it, yes. My day was absolute shit!” His skin is heating up. He aggressively unbuttons his sleeve cuffs and roughly pushes them up to his elbows. Ugh, I love it when he does that.
The cranky version of Harry has been coming out more and more lately, and honestly, seeing him like this makes me melt. He’s so hot when he’s mad…is it wrong to think that? I can’t help it anyway. His pheromones constantly call out for me, relentless to allow me a break from wanting him. From needing him. I should be careful and let him be, but I’m dying to know how much aggression he could take out on me. What would he resort to? Would he bend me over his lap for a controlled punishment? Or would he hold me down while he savagely fucked his rage out? Oh, god, please…please. Harry pops open a few of his shirt buttons, working to cool himself off. I can see more of his skin now—a light dusting of hair, the swallow feathers, the antennas of his butterfly.
“Ran into construction on my way in, had to work through lunch, and I didn’t even get to see you before I left this morning…” He frowns, “...Probably why I’ve been a grump all day…” I chew on my lower lip anxiously and watch as his somber expression slowly lightens a smidge as he stares off into space. “Honestly, I was hoping my Bunny’s gorgeous face would welcome me home tonight…with those darling doe eyes and that smile…I thought she’d make me feel better…” I inhale in preparation to console him, or maybe to defend myself. I don’t even know what I want to say. It doesn’t matter, though, because he cuts me off before I can even think up a sentence. “But I guess y’just wanna be a right-fuckin’-pain’n my ass instead, don’t you, Y/N?” His accent thickens as his temper worsens. Pouting, I flick my eyes down to the stitching on my duvet of which my fingers seem to have been subconsciously fidgeting with since I’d first sat up. My teeth nervously nibble on my lip before whispering one of his words to myself. “Gorgeous…” My voice sounds so soft and meek, and I’m blushing like crazy. The atmosphere feels hot and humid, although it’s a crisp, Oregon October. “Wha—?” Harry takes a deep breath and pinches the bridge of his nose for a moment as if to collect his thoughts. “—Yes. I think you’re…quite lovely, actually. ‘Always thought that, Bunny.” His rough speech makes him sound so tired. So worn out. I want to make him feel better. There’s still time to do that, isn’t there?
He lifts his head and looks at me, and my breath hitches at the sharp eye contact. Unexpectedly, Harry grunts and kicks my door closed behind him with a splintering slam. My body jolts. “Harry…” I breathe out. If I wasn’t already feeling subby, I surely am now. It’s one thing for him to raise his voice, but he’s never gotten physical before. I’ve never seen this side of Harry...I’m…scared. But I want more... Jesus, I’m tumbling down into a bottomless pit of subspace, aren’t I…?
“You wanna know a secret, Bunny?” He scoffs, squeezing and releasing his hands at his sides. I see his knuckles turn from golden tan to white from the pressure, over and over again, until he looks down at his socked feet and shakes his head with the ghost of a smile on his flushed face. “God, I jus’…I jus’ wanna…” He clenches and unclenches his jaw several times during his pause of silence. His mouth is closed, but I know his teeth are gritted together. His next words are growled at me, and I can just barely process them. “...You’ve had no bloody clue, have you…?” He raises his head to shoot daggers at me and continues, “…No clue how bad I’ve needed…Christ, Y/N…” He’s pacing the floor. “…Fuck, from the moment you walked into that bar, I wanted to claim you. Did you know that?” He stops pacing, squints, and cocks his head at me, his inked arms crossed over his chest again.
Rhetorical questions are confusing(fucking annoying) when the person asking them looks at you like they’re expecting an answer. (like this: 👁️_👁️)
I instinctively avoid eye contact and drop my head down, my shoulders rotating forward defensively. “All this fucking time, Y/N…And now every goddamn second of every day, you taunt me. You hop around like the little fuck-bunny you are, your huge tits practically bouncing out of your bra—” He bites the inside of his cheek and squeezes his eyes shut for a moment before clearing his throat and beginning again. “—wearing those tiny little shorts that barely cover that fat, juicy ass…Jesus Christ…all the fucking time, Y/N...” He groans. As he’s describing me, he becomes so infuriated that he needs to stop speaking just to let out an exasperated breath filled with rage and arousal. “...All the fucking time, I’m having to force myself to be good. I have to remind myself that you’re too sensitive…that I can’t…I…” He sighs and combs his fingers through his mane of soft curls. “...I have to be careful around you, y’know? Your existence…just you merely existing ���round me…you drive me fucking mad…” I gulp and raise my head back up to see he has his back turned to me. His shoulders are heaving as he breathes heavily, and his muscles are clearly tensed beneath his slightly wrinkled button-down. He circles the room slowly, eventually standing before me once again. “You don’t know half the things I’ve wanted to do to you…” His dilated eyes twitch, and he gives me a lopsided grin. “...Except, you do, don’t you, sweetheart?” My mouth dries up like someone’s just pulled the spit drain. “Huh? W-what are you t-talking about?!” I nearly choke on my sorry excuse for denial. I stare at him in disbelief, wishing to God that I had the courage to sass him back. But all of that assertion seems to have gone on vacation.
Harry just shakes his head and grins devilishly. “Don’t be like that…” Bending forward, he huskily goads on, “…I know you want to suck my cock, Y/N.”
My eyes widen and my heart pumps harder in my chest as Harry nears closer to the bed. He’s burning holes into me and I can feel my skin heat up wherever his eyes roam. I’m beginning to scoot up farther toward the headboard in subconscious defense. “Hmm? What's that silly lil’ head of yours thinkin’ bout? Gagging on my dick? Bet that’s it. You’d like that, wouldn’t you, Bunny?” Though it’s clear in his inflection that his intentions are to get a rise out of me, his predatory stare and steady prowl he leads in my direction tell me otherwise. I’m being hunted. His knees hit the edge of my raised bed with a soft bump. Both of his hands slide down his torso and he rests one on his thigh whilst the other rubs up and down his straining erection. He lifts one knee up onto the bed, gaining in on me. I automatically draw my attention downwards, but regret it instantly because seeing the outline of his thickness makes me moan. The desert that once took over the cavern of my mouth has now been blessed with a river of needy saliva. When I switch back to Harry’s face, I’ve already been caught ogling. So much for denial, Y/N.
Harry chuckles boyishly—the same playful chuckle I’ll hear when I send him a meme or a TikTok from across the room or down the hall. It’s much more menacing hearing it now within this context. “D’you want Daddy to fuck your mouth, Princess?” He jeers, tilting his head. Scoffing, I stare up at him wide-eyed. In the low corners of my vision, my breasts rise and fall with every labored breath. I can hear myself almost gasping for air. I swallow the rest of my shock down and shake my head gently—I refuse to answer his filthy question aloud. He exhales bitterly, visibly irritated. “Hm. I knew you were just a fucking tease.” He says gruffly before giving his hard-on one more squeeze over his slacks. He shakes his head at me in what I perceive as disappointment, then leans forward on the bed, holding himself up by his palms. The ever-increasing closeness to this man intoxicates me. His aggression is further spiraling me into the permanence of that special space of mine. I can feel myself pouting my lips with my head bowed as if I’m being disciplined by, well…you know who.
(And, no. Not Voldemort.)
I don’t wanna say the D-word. Harry just used the term to try and embarrass me. To shame me. Fuck you, Harry. As I’ve confessed previously—I basically thrive off of his attention—and this right now, of course, is still fueling me deliciously. Although, I don’t quite enjoy how he’s accusing me of being a tease. He’s just being an asshole. Hmph…I am not a tease. I’ve got a bite, Styles. Just come a little closer, and I’ll prove it.
I don’t even realize that I’ve begun to glare at him until his voice takes me away from my raging thoughts. He lowers his timbre and slowly shakes his head once more, “Quit givin’ me that look, Bunny…Y’bout to start somethin’, aren’t ya?” He nods his chin at me. I nervously shrink into my bed, absent-mindedly squishing my tits together with my arms and furrowing my eyebrows like I’m about to reluctantly agree. But before I totally fold into the compliant little toy he wants me to be, I decide to change gears at the last second. Straightening up onto my knees and crawling towards him, I close in on him near the edge of the mattress, backing him up, my eyes narrowed and defiant as they meet with those of the audacious man leaning onto my bed. “So what if I do, Harry?” I surprise myself with how tough and bratty I sound. Harry only ‘tsk’s at my attempt at defending myself. Narrowing his eyes, he leans farther over the bed so that he’s almost touching my nose with his. He’s so close to me now, and I'm worried the pounding drumbeat of my heart is blowing my cover. But I refuse to surrender to his piercing gaze or cower away from him in fear. That’s what he wants me to do. He wants me to give him that power. But I won’t—not without a fight. Not without a struggle…Just a little bit…
I close my eyes for a moment and breathe deeply through my nose. The spicy notes of his signature cologne are making me salivate. Sure, I’ve caught whiffs of it once in a while during our hugs or in passing, but the scent communicates with me differently at this moment. Masculine. Woodsy. Clean. Like taking a gulp of spiked apple cider next to a bonfire on a cool fall evening, surrounded by giant pine trees. I’m addicted to the inhale. An intense desperation for more grows in the pit of my stomach as I continue to suck in the breaths of Harry. I never want the remnants of him to leave my lungs. It’s strange how something as simple as a fragrance has given me such primal desires. When I open my eyes again, I’m immediately drawn down to his lips. God…have they always been this pink and smooth? Harry must know I’m staring because he wets his mouth with his tongue before a clever smirk stretches across it. I bet he thinks I’m going to surrender. But I coax my attention away from his distracting features before I lose any more of my self-control. I can pull myself out of this, I know I can. I just need to channel my energy into something else other than lust. I focus towards the path of furiousness. The oath of silence I'd previously been taking is no longer an option for me as all I see are flames. Harry makes me so fucking mad. He comes home, slams doors, makes me feel vulnerable even in the safety of my own bedroom…degrades me, slams another fucking door…MY door. Calls me a fucking tease while he grabs his dick right in front of me?!
Alright—That’s it. No more playing nice. Go hard or go home, Y/N.
I straighten my posture, arching my back and subtly pushing my breasts out towards him, then relax, putting on my best poker face. “Go ahead, Harry…” I lure him, my voice all but a breathy coo. “…Take it out on me…” His eyebrow quirks up, but I know from the darkness in his eyes and the slight flare to his nostrils that he’s not amused by my sudden audacity. I continue, purring, “…Unless you’re too scared you’ll hurt me—” In a split second, his strong hand roughly wraps itself around my neck and I’m shoved backwards onto my duvet. He’s squeezing the sides of my throat and forcing his whole weight on top of me, pinning me down and blocking air. I can’t breathe. I can’t think. Harry inches closer until our lips barely brush together by a hair's width. “Fucking brat,” he practically spits. I struggle to swallow the hard lump in my throat. My body is stuck, painfully held down, yet I’m still desperately squirming to arch myself up against him for even the smallest bit of friction. I’m clenching my inner walls over and over again as if lazy kegels will soothe my itch. I’m essentially drooling out of both ends. I’m now realizing this isn’t a fucked up little game between housemates anymore. The line has finally been crossed.
Harry’s eyes drift down to my rosy lips and back up again. His nose nudges against mine. He knows exactly what I want and he’s taunting me…holding himself right in front of my face as I lay here, my eyesight blurring. “There’s no turning back now.” He seethes. He smiles darkly at my helplessness, then feathers his lips over the flushed skin of my cheek. His soft kisses press along the length of my jaw before he speaks again. “Just like how I can’t take back all those times I’ve wanked off listenin’ to your pretty moans from my room…” His words trail off against my goosebump-ridden neck. “...Inn’ that right, baby?” “Mmmhh.” I whimper in agreement, the noise vibrating from my larynx and into his large palm. Our shared heat is suffocatingly erotic. The air I breathe is damp and thick, but I can only see to basking in this paradise for all of eternity. I’m still panting under him with my arms lying dead at my sides, my fingernails biting into the heels of my hands. I feel like Harry’s peering into my subconscious with how intensely his pitted irises concentrate upon mine. I’m losing it. My sanity is at stake. I think I’m just in shock over the reality of the situation—the fact that this is all real. And if it is real, then Harry needs to get fucking going, otherwise I will scream until my stupid lungs give out. All I want at this moment is to have him on my tongue. To know what Harry tastes like. I can barely hear myself when I say it. I swallow dryly, his fingers pressed tightly against the delicate skin protecting the shift of muscles in my neck. A spark of audacity jolts through my lungs and I serve the ball back into his court.
“Kiss me.” Like a baby’s breath—that’s how gentle it is. My cheeks flush with embarrassment. What a silly thing to ask. He probably didn’t even hear me—
—Never you doubt these ears of mine, either…I can assure you, I hear everything.
The edge of Harry’s mouth quirks up and he presses his cheek against mine, breathing into my ear, “I hope you realize what you’re requesting…” He pauses to nibble my earlobe for a moment. “Because once I get a taste of you, I’ll never stop.” My breath hitches and I can’t help it as my hips jolt up for contact with his. He snickers. “Mmm, such a horny little thing.” Less than a second later, his lips collide with mine and I hum, wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him closer. Our tongues meet briefly before our lips meet again in a desperate, yet rhythmic dance. I could get used to him turning my thoughts off this way.
After locking lips with a few guys, I stopped believing in that ‘spark,’ or the magical leg-pop thing from The Princess Diaries. I came to accept the reality behind kissing as it truly was: lips touching lips…And that was it. But kissing Harry isn’t like that at all. The affection feels genuine—I can feel him lament every sleepless night he’s spent praying that one day I’ll be his as his mouth massages mine. The unfettered desire we swirl against each other’s tongues is an atomic aphrodisiac. Every erogenous zone in my body is pulsating, and I seriously think I might come from this alone. But amidst all the lust, I’m encompassed by love. Each of my favorite cinematic movie kisses flash behind my eyelids as mine and Harry’s lips continue to lap tenderly.
His fingers tighten for just a pulse on my throat as if to remind me that he’s in control. I’m suddenly reminded of how much Harry prefers everything to go his way, and his way only. I know Harry prefers a challenge, so I’ll give it to him. A burst of confidence surges through my veins and I gently latch onto his bottom lip with my teeth. It’s then carefully released with a wet snap. A growl erupts from Harry’s chest, I can feel it just barely thumping against mine. I lift my tits up until I’m flush against his strong torso so our hearts can beat in sync. He drags his lips down my cheek and sucks on the side of my neck whilst the hand not grasping at my throat begins to explore. He starts at my shoulder, sliding down my collarbone, stopping briefly to fondle my breast, then continuing farther until he meets the elastic waistband of my pajama pants, dipping inside and circling behind me to grab my ass over my underwear. He presses our clothed sexes together and grinds into me. Fuck, it’s hot knowing I’m not the only one who’s wet.
I wiggle and squirm beneath him, essentially rubbing myself harder against his solid cock as a result. He groans and pushes his hips, hard, into mine before grinding them in random circular motions. “Ohh, fuck…s-stop it…” I plead, unconvincingly. It feels so fucking good. Why should I make this easy for him? I may have a high sex-drive, but I don’t put-out just for the hell of it. I mean, I guess it’s a little bit different when Harry’s the one trying to get in my pants…I’ve wanted this for so long. “N-no…Harry, stop!” I whine, pretending to protest against his touch. Harry’s face retreats from his attack on my neck to grin at me. “What are you doing?” He chuckles. His hand moves up to my hip, softly squeezing onto my bare, squishy love-handle from under my thin clothing. I shake my head and blink. Ugh, who am I kidding here? I want this. I need this. I’m just holding myself back from the blissful inevitable. I have to let go of my pride…I need to tell Harry that I want him to—“Fuck me.” I blurt out. His eyes widen, and I choose to repeat myself with a little more urging in my voice to emphasize my growing impatience. “Fuck me, Harry.” He lets out a bitter laugh, scoffing at my forwardness and tilts his head slightly. “Yeah? You want me to fuck you?” He asks patronizingly, and I nod. But it seems as though that wasn’t the response he was looking for, as Harry immediately reprimands me for my non-verbal confirmation. He blatantly slaps me across my face. The sharp sting has made me gasp. However, Harry doesn’t seem to be bothered by my anguish in the slightest. He takes pleasure in it. “Try again…What do you say?” A beat passes without a response from me. He slaps me again, “Say it!” I turn my head to face the wall for a moment. Huh? What do I say…? What should I say?! Please…? I don't know! What is he talking about?!
Harry’s now run out of all self-restraint. “You fucking bitch…,” he mumbles, the grip of his fingers sliding up from my throat to my cheeks, squeezing my jaw, then jerking and pointing my face directly to him. “Say it…Tell me who you want to fuck you.” He demands with more assertion. My vision slowly returns to its full clarity. And just as fast as the sharp colors that flood back into the world around me, the narcissistic asshole’s indirect request hits me like a motherfucking double-decker bus. If I wasn’t being watched so closely by Harry at the moment, I’d have the evilest, shit-eating grin on my face. “P-please, Daddy…” I grovel. “Please, fuck me.” Harry instantly smiles at the title I honor him with.
Of course he wants me to call him ‘Daddy’—the exact thing he’d used against me just a few minutes ago to try and make me feel insecure. What a prick. Typically, I’d roll my fucking eyes at his outright arrogance, but I’m far too distracted to care. My current condition holds no room for petty judgment to ruin this moment. I really just want Harry—Daddy—to fuck me.
“Mmm, that’s my girl, Bunny…I love when you’re good f’me, sweetheart.” The soothing hush of his voice combined with the mess of hot kisses he leaves down my face, smearing from my lips to the side of my neck, have released a new wave of liquid heat to pool out into my panties. I return to being choked again, but his affections don’t cease. He’s groaning and panting and lapping mercilessly at my skin—it’s as though he’s indulging in his special treat after a hard day’s work. Harry finds a particularly sensitive spot with the pressure of his lips and tongue, my loud gasp making it obvious. As he sucks a mark onto my skin there, I moan out and grab his chocolate locks to have something to hold onto. My neck is released from his chokehold. A fresh gust of air makes contact with my skin there and it sends a little shiver down my shoulders.
Both of his hands move down to grope at my chest, thumbing at my nipples over my thin shirt and bra. His delicate attention to my sensitive breasts forces me to vocalize my satisfaction. “Ohhhh!” Seeing the way his big hands can’t even encompass them completely is insanely hot for the both of us. “Goddamnit, I’ve wanted to touch these for so fucking long, Y/N.” Once he’s decided he’s teased himself enough, he lifts my shirt, shoving it up past the swells of my tits. My thin, lacy undergarment is practically begging to be discarded, and the stars must be on Harry’s side because the bra clasps together in the front. This revelation absolutely thrills him. He unfastens the center clip, beaming with lust as my tits are set free in a bouncy display before him. “Mmhh, my Godddd…look at you.” His lips and tongue immediately latch onto me—squishing both breasts with his hands and alternating between them with his mouth, licking sloppy wet trails around my areolas, his tongue swirling its way to the center and flicking the nubs until I whine for more. He then resorts to sucking on each of the budded nipples, playing with the opposite one with the damp pad of his thumb in tandem. He then gratefully cups my tits and groans as he buries his face between them. He does it all hungrily, moaning against my skin and relishing in my body’s feel and taste.
His needy technique delights me. It feels as if he’s taking his time to savor and memorize every detail of me with his slick tongue. I lay my head back and allow myself to bask in the pleasure, becoming entranced under Harry’s spell as his famished mouth kisses and sucks on my sensitive nipples. I comb my fingers through his loose curls and caress his stubbly cheeks with my gentle embrace. My clit is throbbing to experience direct stimulation from this man—swollen and jealous of my breasts which have received so much of his eager attention. His hands wander, grasping at the natural dip of my waist and sliding down to the band of my pajama pants at my hips. They linger for a bit, ghosting across the delicate, striped skin there. I twitch. My stomach clenches.
Please don’t…
Harry’s eyes meet mine and I’m biting my lip, fighting back my giggles. He smirks knowingly at me. “No, Harry.” I state with a waveringly warning tone. His fingers move just a hair, and my body tenses again. Without another beat, Harry tickles my sides furiously, making me shriek and laugh uncontrollably as his hands attack my sides. This seems to amuse him greatly as he refuses to pull back for another solid 10 seconds or so. Eventually, his tormenting concludes and I’m left with breathless titters. At this point, he confesses, “Ugh, your laugh makes me hard…feel what you do to me, Bunny.” He gently takes my hand and presses it against the front of his pants. I wrap my hand around him as best as I’m able to and stroke him a few times until he denies me of any more groping. We are both aching for that skin-on-skin contact that dry humping feels painfully futile. Harry resumes undressing me and manages to rid my wiggling legs from their modesty. All that remains to shield my lower half is a dainty pair of pink panties. I reach down and adjust them, smoothing the waistband across my thumbs and letting the elastic snap up high on my hips. Fuck yesss! I internally cheer. Past-Y/N thankfully chose hot-girl underwear this morning instead of granny panties! Harry is too distracted burying himself in my tits to notice, but in due time…soon Daddy will appreciate his Bunny’s adorable lil’ undies.
The dark melody of his voice tugs me back down to Earth—back to the feral man below me who has become addicted to the taste of my flesh. “Tell me…” He breathes out in between licks and bouts of suction. “...Tell me how hard you want Daddy to fuck you, baby.” I let out a whimper, feeling the dripping walls of velvet between my thighs pulse and squeeze around nothing. My response is delayed due to my fucked-out mind shutting out my thoughts. “However you’ll take me, Daddy.” I purr mindlessly. Harry’s hold on my throat returns without warning, and I blink rapidly as my tits jiggle from the abrupt movement. I barely dip back into reality, just enough to notice the way his hard rings are bruising my skin. His other hand travels south. He tickles across the peach fuzz on my tummy and I helplessly giggle out loud at the sensation.
“Yeah? Whatever I want?” He flashes his signature boyish smirk up at me, his eyes providing me with the most familiar yet intimate flash of ethereal green I’ve seen today, before resuming his descent for my sodden center. His fingers finally reach my clenched thighs. And clenched they are. He grunts, growing aggressively impatient once more, as he sponges sloppy kisses along my jawbone. “Open.” The word barely a mumble humming into my skin. “Open up f’me, love.” I whine and rub my thighs together. “Mm-mm…” I’m pathetically desperate for the slightest amount of friction against my clit, so thankful at this time that my thighs are as plush as they are. “Quit y’whinin’.” He mumbles against my cheek. His palm smacks the exposed skin of my outer thigh, and Harry pulls back to watch as my flesh jiggles from the sudden contact. The sight seems to arouse him. “Fuck…” As if out of raw, sexual instinct, he grabs at me there—pulling me and tilting my body so that he can see more of my backside—and then he releases his hand before sending it back down to slap the side of my ass, rubbing and squeezing onto it in admiration afterwards. “…This ass…fuck…fucking perfect, you know tha’...?” He lays me back down and grabs ahold of the front of my pillowy thigh with his hand, trying to gently separate it from its twin. “…Spread your sweet thighs f’me and I’ll make it feel better, baby...” He assures, giving me all the sugar in his voice just before he continues with a darker tone directly into my ear, raking his teeth down my neck. “...I promise I’ll make it all better.”
Our lust-shrouded eyes then lock onto one another. I choose to obey and shakily open myself up to him. He groans at his new view: A scrap of thin, baby pink cotton protecting my most sensitive bits. The pastel is flawless except for one large damp spot near my center. I was right—I’ve soaked right through. If it were any other situation, I’d try my best to retreat and hide myself away in shame. This isn’t one of those situations. Nay. I need Harry to see how miserable I am without his cock inside me. I need him to see the power he has over my pussy. His determined fingertips slide down to the dainty fabric to perform slow, vertical swipes across my entire slit. They press and rub—up and down…up…and down…until he’s got me humming and cooing from his touch, and eventually bucking my hips as well, at which he stills immediately. His calloused fingers rest firmly against the dampest spot on my underwear. I can feel him threatening to push his digits deeper—to disregard the flimsy, cloth barrier altogether and just plunge in. I can’t help but to squirm and mewl beneath him. I want more, more, more, so fucking badly. It all feels torturous now. Every move he makes turns my dial to the direction of mindless submission.
“I…I want you to use me now, Harry...p-please.” I whimper meekly. “Please just—” A hot gust of air quickly exits his flared nostrils. His touch parts away from my center for just
a second in order to deliver a rough spank against the moist cotton. I flinch and squeak at the abrupt punishment, my knees instinctively closing in. Harry puts a stop to them as if he’d been expecting this kind of response and splays me wide open, shoving himself between my thighs to hold me in position. “—What did I just fucking tell you?” “Mnnhh!” I whine, dragging it to emphasize my restlessness and to enunciate my desperate excitement for him. “No, none o’tha’. Be a good girl ‘n use your words.” I huff out in defiance and squirm under him, trying to pull him down to me by clutching his shirt. I can’t help that I’m throbbing and impatient. But he doesn’t find my uncooperation to be very warranted. Harry wants to tame me, not enable me.
Well, boo. 😣
“Fine. Be a brat. But brats get less privileges.” He leans back and unbuckles his belt, yanking it out of his pants and snatching my wrists. The leather tightens around them and my arms are pinned above my head. “Do not touch me unless I tell you to. Understand?” His voice has returned to its demanding inflection once more. I slowly nod. Instantly, he hits my cheek with an open hand, and I gasp at the growing sting. The slap was harder this time. That same hand then caresses my sore skin gently and he hums to try and comfort me. He softly kisses my cheek and speaks against it. “Your pretty face is getting all red, baby. You’ve gotta listen t’me, alright?” I sniffle, trying not to cry, and I bow my head, gathering the strength to apologize right afterwards. “Mm, Daddy…I-I’m sorry.” He smiles down at me once I find the courage to lift my chin and face him again. It’s contagious, and I mirror him without hesitation. “Oh, my sweet girl. You’re so beautiful, y’know tha’? So perfect…Hm, almost…” He sighs, smoothing his hand through my hair. “…All you need is my cock inside you.” I instantly moan, and I nod repeatedly at his last statement. “Mmhh, I want it so bad.” I whisper. He stops and chuckles bitterly. “Oh, I know, Bunny. You’re a needy little slut for me. Trust me. I know. But guess what? I’ll fuck you whenever I want. It’s not up to you.”
Ope…Mean Harry is back.
“Oh, I-I didn’t mean to upset you—” I frown when he laughs and interrupts me. “—That’s a fucking lie.” He punctuates with a rough thrust against my damp panties, staying pressed to me for a few seconds and panting. He pulls back to snarl at me. “You love it when I’m angry. I bet that’s exactly what you think about when you’re in here stuffing your fingers inside your dripping cunt.” He adds effect by giving my sodden pussy another quick spank. I gasp and blink at him, shocked. I mean…he’s not wrong. “I knew it…you want to be thrown around like the whore you are. You like it rough.” I whine, lifting my leg up and trying to hook it around Harry so I can pull him down to me. I need to feel him. But he catches my knee and pushes it up so it’s bent up to my chest, really pinning me down. “Are you truly as brainless as you look?” I shake my head at him as my face turns sullen. “You’re jus’ a stupid lil’ slut, aren’t you, Bunny…” He’s not asking, and I know that. And yet I still shake my head to deny his accusation anyway. My naivety amuses him. He reaches out and pinches my cheek. “You’re so cute and dumb. But I’m sure y’think you’ve got the beauty and the brains, hm?” He laughs and taps his index finger against my temple to illustrate. I bat my wispy lashes and sulk. “But you don't…jus’a stupid, cock-hungry bimbo.” He chuckles. “You do a terrible job at keeping quiet, ‘Bun…S’pitiful, really, how desperate you are to get fucked.” His hands wander down my body again, this time with a harsher touch. I just lay silently and take everything he gives me. “Thought I’d never say a fucking word, didn’t you?” With both hands, he pinches my nipples and pulls until my mouth opens with a gasp. He then lowers his head down and sucks onto my tongue. I moan, pushing myself upwards to try and get more of him. But he shoves me back down by my shoulders and grunts. “Can’t believe you thought I wouldn’t say anything when you go fucking yourself silly with those cute little toys you hide in your drawer…” He sits up on his knees and unbuttons the rest of his shirt, then unzips his pants, pushing them down far enough so that his erection is no longer strained by his tight trousers. The material of his boxer briefs has a wet patch near his tip and my nails dig into the belt wrapped around my wrists. He kicks his pants the rest of the way off and grips his length with one of his aggressive hands. “…While I’m right next door jerking this big, hard cock as you make a goddamn mess of yourself in here…” I moan at the sight of him—his bare abdomen now exposed as his dress shirt hangs on his shoulders, rolled up at the elbows. He traps me in with his hands cradling my head, then pulls down at my chin with his thumbs to signal for me to open my mouth. “…With my name on your tongue…” He spits and lets the saliva drip down into my mouth. Once it lands, he clutches my face with one hand and whispers, “Swallow.” I do as he says. “Mm, good girl.”
“And what’s with you bein’ so quiet today, huh? I’m used to you always runnin’ this mouth. I should start putting it to better use, hm? Shut you up by fucking your throat and jus’ come all over your pathetic face. Would that teach you?” My heart is pounding relentlessly in my ears. My lips separate in an attempt to release some sort of verbal response. It’s no use, though. I’m frozen and speechless. He sees my gaped mouth as an opportunity to shove two of his long fingers inside. I instinctively purr at finally having my oral fixation satiated, closing my lips and suckling. His skin tastes faintly of my own essence, but also of him. He’s literally got me wrapped around his fucking fingers. But I can’t say I’m mad about it. My body is shaking with anticipation. I need him. “Such a spoiled brat, y’know tha’? I’m bein’ much too nice to you…” He slaps my cheek with his other hand. “…I don’t think you even deserve my cum. But you’re just a pretentious little princess who's got empty holes needing to be filled.” My sight has gotten all watery and blurry. I’ve never been spoken to like this before. He pouts mockingly. “You poor baby…You’ve never been properly fucked, have you? Basically a virgin.” He groans out at his own revelation. “God…probably so tight…I’m gonna fucking ruin this cunt, baby.” I suck his fingers deeper, slurping on them while drool leaks out and I gaze wantonly at Harry. “Aw, look at you…sucking on me for dear life…I love seeing how badly you need it…” My eyes roll back at his insults. “What would our friends say if they saw you like this, hm? I wonder if they know how much of a filthy whore you are…how much you’ve begged for my cock to fill you…‘Should be ashamed of yourself, Bunny.”
“Mmhh…” I wordlessly hum against his hand.
He pulls his wet digits down—smearing my lower lip and chin with my spit.
Harry smirks at my glassy-eyed stare. “…Mm, you love this, don’t you? You love it when I’m mean.” I swallow some of the excess saliva on my tongue and lay my head back, closing my eyes. And he says I’m the tease…Fuck, I wanna see that cock already. I wanna FEEL it, goddamnit!
“Please, Daddy…I want you.” I whimper, feeling my throat ache as if I’m close to starting the waterworks just to get some dick around here. “Oh, I know, sweetheart. I know.” He stamps light kisses down my neck. The lips that graze across my hypersensitive skin linger. Harry inhales deeply through his nose, nuzzling his face into a pile of my long ringlets. Lowering his pitch to a soft whisper, he professes, “You’ve always had me, Bunny. And you’ll always be mine.” My lashes flutter as a wave of goosebumps trickles down my back and I struggle holding in a sob at his confession. I hum, nudging my face against his for his attention. He peers up at me with those lively green eyes now, as just Harry, and I tentatively lower my arms—still bound by his belt��downwards until my wrists are behind his neck. Before I even have the forethought of taking the lead, his lips are covering mine. The warmth this kiss exudes isn’t just physical. It’s a kiss that serenades three words into my heart without making a single sound. We’ve made a silent understanding of who we are—who we will be—he and I.
Because this is mine and Harry’s house…and Harry’s finally home.
Our lips release slowly, our shallow breaths mixing together as we stare at one another in silent adoration. Harry nuzzles my nose with his and mumbles for me, “Y/N?” Don’t get me wrong, I love his little nicknames for me. But hearing the drawl of his voice as he says my name…it hits different, y’know? “Yeah?” I rasp, swallowing the croakiness in my throat. He removes my arms from around his neck and begins unbuckling the belt. My brows pull together as I’m watching my wrists find freedom. “W-why—?” Harry interrupts me before I finish my question. “—I want you to be able to touch me, sweetheart.” The affirmation comes out whilst he kisses the faint marks where the belt bit into my delicate skin. I breathe a sigh of relief. “Oh…” Then Harry finishes his statement that I didn’t realize needed to be finished. “Because… unless you push me off right now, I won’t stop fucking you until you make me a real daddy.” I lay beneath him with my mouth agape, eyes sparkling, cheeks flushed…and there go the lazy kegels again. He wants to breed me.
Both of our mothers are gonna be pissed if he doesn’t put a ring on my finger first…but there’s no way in hell I’m pushing him off of me. I’d never push him off. Of course I want this. Does he want this?
“A-are you s—” “—I’ve never been more serious about anything in my entire life, Y/N.”
Either I’m an impossibly slow talker, or he’s incredibly impatient. Stop fucking interrupting me…also, why are we still tALKING?!
I blink at him and try to suppress my smile. My hands slip their way up his smooth chest and brush up through his perfectly disheveled hair. I’m marveling at how my gentle fingers cause his body to shudder and arch into me. I watch him as he’s breathing heavily above me, eyes hooded, mouth parted, and I glance down at his underwear and see that the wet spot is twice its previous size. Not to mention, the throbbing appendage kept inside is visibly twitching and jerking in its confines. I know I shouldn’t taunt the man, but my hands are busy…
“Awe, Daddy, you’re so hard for me, you’re almost as wet as I am.” I giggle. Harry’s eyes snap open and his brows ruffle with a furocity I suddenly recognize as dangerous territory. It seems I haven’t learned my lesson after the first time I poked the bear. My fingers halt their massaging. “Uh-oh.” I gulp. Sliding my hands down his neck and resting them on his shoulders, I await my scolding. With visible agitation, Harry grits, “Uh-oh is right, Bunny…Now flip over.” I hesitate, giving him a pleading look.
Was he serious about that being my last opportunity to tap out of this?
“Now!” I gasp and struggle to turn onto my stomach as he looms over me, caging me in with his arms. But I manage to wiggle around and awkwardly fall onto my front. My hair tickles my face. What now? Ouch, my boobs…ugh…my shirt is all twisted around my arms and back. Goddamnit. Harry laughs at me and my obvious discomfort, then carefully sweeps all my hair away from my face and neck. I sigh, turning my head to peek up at him expectantly. Holding my hair in his fist, he leans down—pressing his clothed erection into my ass. “Lemme ask you something, did you honestly think you were gonna slow me down with that silly resisting act earlier, hm? Sayin’ ‘No, please, stop, Harry,’ ” he mocks, using an exaggerated high-pitched voice to rudely impersonate me. “As if you’re not frothing at the mouth for my cock…” Laughing cruelly, he roughly yanks me up onto my hands and knees and forces my back to arch by pulling my head back by my hair. With his free hand, he grabs and gropes at my panty-clad ass. I can feel it jiggle as he plays around with it. “...My God, you’re a terrible liar. You only made me want you more.” I clench my inner walls, fighting against the wave of hot arousal drizzling out from my pussy lips, further drenching the crotch of my panties.
As I squeeze the plush of my thighs closed to remedy my achy clit, I’m hit with a sharp pain on my right buttcheek. I wail out in shock as another slap comes down hard onto the left shortly afterwards, the cool air of the room stinging my burning skin. “Such a bad bunny…pretending to deny me what’s rightfully mine…” Another lash, this time on my outer thigh. He wraps the length of my hair around his fist and pulls until my back touches his chest. The bottom hem of my baggy t-shirt slowly slips down and falls to cover my naked breasts, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Harry. He bites my ear and gropes me harshly over the fabric. His fingers pinch and rub one of my nipples through the rough cotton, coaxing a loud mewl out of me. “Mmmmmhhheeeee!” I squirm and writhe, but that just angers the man. “…Let me get this through your silly little-girl brain, all right?” I nod my head. “Please, tell me, Daddy.”
He’s silent for a beat.
I think consistently obeying him caught him off-guard this time. My mouth twitches and I force my smirk down with a bite to my lower lip. Sensing him expecting it, I carefully begin rotating my head to steal a glance at Harry. His tight grasp on my hair allows for me to do so, of which when I finally do make eye-contact, he closes in from the side and gives me a heated kiss, holding my face between his thumb and forefinger. When he releases my lips, he still keeps me in place with that hand and stares closely into my eyes whilst declaring, “I own you.” I gaze back unblinkingly, losing my ability to function the more I allow his engorged pupils to dilate. Just as my corneas burn and I tear up, he kisses me again and drops me back onto my hands and knees. Blinking my dazed eyes brings me back to reality—reminds me that I need to arch my back and present my ass for Harry.
Both hands grasp at my ass now. And both seem to have a plan as they slowly slide up and down my curves, shoving my t-shirt up my back and gently squeezing every part of me that’s squishable. “How dare you attempt to refuse me—to not consent to me—as if you have a bloody fucking choice…?!” His voice booms throughout the room and he snatches my hair once again. “...How…” *Slap!* *Yelp!* “...Fucking…” *Slap!* *Squeal!* “...Dare you…” *Slap, slap, slap, slap!* A gasp escapes my throat and I squeak at the man. “I-I’m sorry, Daddy! I’m sorry!” My bottom lip quivers and my image blurs with hot tears. Fuck. The reddening flesh of my ass and thighs is then unexpectedly met with gentle caresses and the slippery, wet mouth of my disciplinarian. He lets my hair fall down my back in loose curls and I shakily lift my upper half up by my weak arms to see what Harry’s up to. He’s covering my inflamed backside with healing licks and kisses. If the air didn’t sting so badly when his cooling spit was exposed to it, I’d find this to be comforting. However, I’m still very much feeling my punishment.
That’s not to say I didn’t like it…
His nimble fingers slip under the waistband of my pink panties, pulling them down whilst kissing down my raw skin and cooing. I suck in a breath as the fabric is finally removed from my slit. I don’t even care at this point, but I do feel a tad bit prouder knowing that I’d used up a waxing coupon and got the whole shebang just a couple days ago. I’m such a lucky bunny with my timing. My underwear is slowly slid off my feet and onto the floor, and without another beat, I feel a warm tongue flatten over my clit and slick itself all the way up to my ass. A strangled moan escapes my throat and my upper body collapses down onto the bed—leaving my knees bent and spread for Harry to dive head-first. And that, he does. He slurps and sucks on my cunt like he’s drinking the juice of a sacred fruit that he’s never tried before. As if this is his first and only chance to sip the nectar of the rarest bloom in this lifetime. He doesn’t even waste his time fucking me with his fingers, his hands are too preoccupied spreading me open and groping me all over. There’s no room for them anyway when his tongue or his nose is shoved deep inside me as he pushes my body deeper into the mattress. “Oh, God!” I gasp. Harry hums against my clit and sucks on it, making me repeat myself. “Oh, GOD! YES!”
“Mmm, yeah, scream f’me, baby.” He groans between sucks and lappings. I roll my eyes. Bastard. I decide to take the insult back when his ravenous tongue skims up my crack and circles the tight ring there. “Auhhh…fuuuuck...” I moan. That shouldn’t feel as good as it does…I’ve never been into butt stuff before…and yet, here I am—my ass spread wide open by, well, the love of my life who’s eating me like he’s working to find the center of my tootsie pop—almost considering the possibility…
…I hate this man.
He journeys back down to my leaking pussy, flicking my clit with the very tip of his tongue back and forth so effortlessly fast that my whole body quivers. It’s such a light touch, but in an area so stimulating that it’s tightening that coil inside me in record time. My breath is uneven and shaky. My legs wobble and are threatening to squeeze closed around his face. I’m debating whether it’s worth it to reach behind me and just shove his face into my cunt so I can have some relief…but I know better than to make a dumb move like that. Instead, I push back against his tongue and wiggle my hips with a desperate whine. “Mmmmhhh Daddy, pleeeease!”
But to my chagrin, he ignores me entirely. I’m clenching and unclenching my vaginal walls, pathetically pleading for him to give them something to hold onto. Anything. Fuck—even my ass is pulsing for attention now. “Ughhh!” My groan is muffled by the duvet, but I make a point to drag it out. Finally, I receive a reaction from Harry. His tongue takes a hiatus, my clit is relieved from its torture, and I’m roughly tugged around until I’m flat on my back.
“Mmmhh nooo! Wait!” I whimper, pouting whilst I watch him wipe my wetness off his face with the panties he’d tossed aside earlier. They were already soaked through, but now all the material has my musky sweetness covering it. He smirks. “These are mine now.”
I huff and cross my arms over my chest with a scrunched up face. He lets out a guffaw and combs his fingers through his messy, silky hair. “Hm, is my sweet Bunny mad that I didn’t make her come?” He taunts, climbing back onto the bed and atop of me. I stay still and silent. Once a brat, always a brat. I don’t know what to tell ya…
Harry gently wraps his hand around my throat and squeezes. “I know you’re just a brainless bimbo, but do you remember what Daddy said about using your words, baby?” His voice is all low and silky, and it’s not fucking fair because that makes being a stubborn bitch a lot harder. Damnit. And my nipples are hard again. I just want him inside me so fucking badly that I’m close to having a mental breakdown. I’m not even joking anymore. I’m ovulating and I’m hormonal and I’m hornier than any other literal bunny rabbit on this fucking planet. I’m never going to get fucked, am I? It’s all just another silly little dream of mine, isn’t it…and Harry Edward Styles will be the death of me.
I blink back tears. I sniffle and shut my eyes tightly. Harry’s eyes follow the tear’s slippery path down my cheek until it drips onto his hand. He can’t tell if he’s actually hurt my feelings this time. By the looks of me, he thinks he has. My strewn panties beg to differ. He frowns down at me and rubs soft swirls against my clit. “You want me to use this pussy, sweetheart?” The way he proceeds is somewhere between loving and condescending. He leans back, ditching the remnants of his clothing, and finally unleashes the pulsing appendage from the prison that was his boxer briefs. It’s shiny and dark pink. Staring at it and drooling seems to be all I can do at the moment. He returns to me and carefully lifts my t-shirt over my head and removes it altogether. The two of us are completely bare now.
I probably shouldn’t be as into this as I am…I should feel wary of what’s about to happen. I should be looking for a condom. But I can’t. I won’t. I want him to have his way with me, raw. The right way. And I’m gonna give him a baby.
The atmosphere in the room has changed. The natural light that had been peeking through my blinds earlier is no longer present as the sun has now set. My room is only illuminated by faint fairy lights hanging above us, casting a soft glow upon Harry’s skin. They just barely reflect through his eyes as he looks down at me, and I gaze up at him. He takes my thick legs and bends them at my knees, holding them up by the creamy bottoms of my thighs so that my pussy is completely exposed to him. Exposed in all its natural glistening beauty. My hair is splayed out on the bed whilst his curls fall, and others stick with sweat, down his forehead.
All I hear is the sounds of our breathing and my own heartbeat as it echoes in my ears. His hips move forward, the foreskin of his cock already pulled back, and the head taps my clit. Both of us watch as a string of his precum keeps us connected when he bobs his dick up and off my skin. Harry then settles himself at my dripping entrance, teasingly pushing just the tip in and out. This prodding is immediately met with faint, wet, squelching noises. I glance back up to Harry and see that his eyebrows are pinched together with carnal amusement and pleasure. But I can’t take this any longer. Pure sin has consumed every rational thought in my brain. “Make yourself a daddy, Harry.” Whispering those words and fluttering my eyelashes up at him are the only invitation he needs to lunge into pure chaos. And within the next second, he thrusts his hips forwards and effortlessly sheathes his entire length inside of me. I choke on the moan in my throat and my eyes roll back. “Ohhh…so tight, baby. Feel so…fucking good.” I can feel his cock throbbing inside me, like he’s fighting off his orgasm just after the first pump. He pulls out completely and pushes all the way back in, slowly picking up his pace. In a needy frenzy, I’m lifting my hips to meet his—fucking myself on his cock. “Fuck…you’re amazing…I should’ve done this the night I fucking met you, goddamnit,” he grunts. I nod repeatedly, having a difficult time putting words together. “Ugh, yes, you should’ve—fuck—you should’ve…oh, my God!” His eyes darken and I feel his hand collide with my cheek, making me gasp and grind upwards so my clit rubs against his pelvic bone. “Oh my god, yes!” I moan, throwing my head back. “Fuck!” I’ve turned ravenous at this point. His earlier statement describing me as brainless is now strengthening in integrity with every slick push inside me. “How dare you…how fucking dare you hide this body from me? You’re mine…” He’s practically growling in my ear. “…Mine…”
“…All…” *thrust* “…Of this…” *thrust* “...is…” *thrust* “…mine…” *thrust* He articulates between hard bucks of his hips. I whine and pout up at him, my breasts bouncing to and fro with every harsh slap of his skin against mine. “You filthy little bitch…always fucking yourself with your tiny fingers until you’ve bloody passed out…forcing me to come on myself when you’re just a room away…when you’ve been begging f’me through the wall…” He groans and hits my other cheek briskly. “…Sayin’ my name over ‘n over again like I’m not even there…it’s extremely rude of you, innit, Bunny?” I nod my head the best I can and whimper out, “Yes-s. You’re ri-ight. I-I’m sorry, D-Daddy…I’m s-sorry, Harry-y.” Harry scoffs and buries his face down between my jiggling tits, licking and sucking and biting all over them. He then pulls his face away and slaps both of them, back and forth, watching them bounce and redden from the impact. “You’re just a set of holes for me to come into whenever I want, aren’t you? Just a babbling little fucktoy…wanting me to toss ya ‘round and fuck you senseless.”
“Ohhh-my-god-yes!” I’m in absolute, utter bliss right now. Every hit of his palm, every toss of his hips, every time he degrades me—it all makes my lower tummy spark. The state of ecstasy I’m in is so strong that I don’t even have control over my body anymore. I’m pleading and begging and praising, grabbing and pulling and squeezing, all as if my limbs are possessed and the words I speak are merely from the voice of my subconscious. It’s all so chaotic—yet, the intimacy and closeness of our two bodies is so cohesive. It��s real. It’s emotional. It’s us.
This is how I’m meant to be fucked. This is what I’ve always needed. No one has ever exceeded every need the way that Harry is right now. And Harry has never felt so needed…So powerful. He wants to be this close to me for the rest of his existence. The sweet notes of my perfume mixed with the natural aroma of both our sexes are healing emotional wounds better than tea and honey cure a sore throat. I’m his, finally his.
His drenched cock ruthlessly stretches my sloppy-wet hole. Every plunge earns him another gush of hot juice that just seeps out from my lips as if I’m melting an ice cube inside of me. “I’m gonna fucking come…” he moans out, sweat dripping from his hairline. I squeeze around him. I’m close too. “…Fuck, Bun’…gonna pump all my cum inside this pretty cunt. That’s what you’ve always wanted, yeah? Want me to get y’knocked up?” My back arches off the bed. “Please…” He lowers his head down to suck on one of my nipples. “…Yes! Please come in me. Fuck…please! I’ve been so good for you, Daddy…” Harry lets my tit go with a ‘pop’ and grunts animalistically. “Mmm, you think you deserve it? Think you’ve earned my load, huh?” He ends his sentence with a single hard thrust and holds his hips still until we both are panting and dying to keep fucking—thus only lasting a few seconds before he’s rocking his hips furiously once more. I cry out, “Please come inside me. Give me all of it. Please, please, please!” Hot tears are actually streaming down my cheeks, cascading down to my neck, and some even dripping onto my bouncing breasts. Harry doesn’t let them go to waste, diving down to lap up the drops and trace the salty trails up my neck with his tongue. The strong grip of his ringed hand covers my throat. “You’re so pretty when you cry, Y/N.” He sighs and kisses my wet cheeks. “You’re gonna give me a baby.” I’m gonna give him a baby. “Let me give you a baby, Harry.” His hips stutter. “Oh my god, I love you.”
He pounds into me almost at a violent pace. The smacking of my fleshy thighs against his hips sounds so clearly like fucking. So desperate. So hard. Both of us swimming upstream, and gladly drowning in our own oceans of pleasure. I scream out and weakly grasp my dainty fingers around the front of his neck—mirroring his grip on mine–and I pull his face down so I can press my lips to his. The jerking of his hips becomes labored. The rhythm is sloppy. I can feel him twitch and pulse inside of me. “I love you,” I gasp against his lips.
The dam breaks. He curses and moans and juts his hips up into me mercilessly as if his life depends on it. His cum shoots out in long spurts, coating my womb with sticky white seed. I can feel each jet of release as it overflows me and drips down my ass, and a burst of cum hits my most sensitive spot. My own orgasm is triggered abruptly. I don’t even register my fingers reaching down to start rubbing my swollen clit. My pussy tightens around Harry like a vice and milks him for every last drop as he slowly pumps in and out of me, watching his cum-covered dick slide effortlessly while he chuckles and moans—still so turned on even in the aftermath of our debauchery. Within seconds, his entire body falls and his face buries itself in my hair. His cock is still sheathed deep inside me. It’s barely softened, still throbbing and twitching. Both of us are wheezing for breath. Every muscle has exerted its maximum amount of energy. The bed is our last support, holding the two of us in a pretzel of limbs snugly against its sheets. After a few minutes of breath regulation, Harry carefully pulls himself out of me. His cum then slowly flows out and covers my slit all the way down to my bum and onto the bed. Harry watches and smiles for a moment before looking back up to my flushed post-climax face—my eyelids heavy and a stupid grin on my lips that eventually turns into a giggle fit. The laughter is contagious and Harry ends up following suit.
Seemingly remembering the mess between my legs, Harry rakes a hand through his sweaty hair and looks back down to see his delectably messy creampie. “Oh…Shit. ‘M sorry, Bunny. Hold on.” He yanks himself up and off the bed, still stark naked, and makes haste towards the bathroom. But by the time he comes back with wet washcloths and a towel, I’m making a bigger mess. I’ve got both legs bent up to my chest, two of my fingers fucking his cum back into my pussy and curling up against my g-spot. I squeeze and moan as I climax against my hand, and I refuse to stop at just one. On my back with spread legs, I breathlessly ride my cum-covered fingers as Harry watches in awe. His spent cock flexes in approval of the sight before him. “You’re so fucking hot.” He grunts before dropping everything onto the floor and removing my hand, replacing it with himself. He slicks the underside of his cock up and down my drenched, sticky slit a few times, then pushes back home, making me sob as I orgasm around him again. He slowly grinds his pelvis into mine in a circular motion, ensuring he’s at his deepest point. Suddenly, I feel him sucking on my fingers, licking up our combined spend as his pelvic bone rubs my clit in slow strokes. I reach my face up to his for a taste and he grants me full access to his mouth, our tongues swirling together. But I want more. I lick up the last of his cum from my fingers hungrily.
“Ugh. Such a slut…fuck.” He groans, and I feel his cock release a couple more spurts of cum inside me.
A few minutes later, Harry and I are in the shower together. I’m hugging his middle as he slowly massages and rinses the shampoo from my hair with the handheld shower head. “Bunny?” My eyes are closed, enjoying this warm, peaceful wash session. Hearing Harry’s raspy voice makes me instinctually cuddle closer to his chest and smooth my fingertips down his back. “Mmhmm,” I hum against the slippery wing of a swallow. Suddenly, I’m aware of his fast heart rate and I’m no longer at peace. My eyelids pop open. “Harry…?” He releases a heavy sigh and hangs the shower head back up behind me before taking my hair in his hands and gently squeezing the water out. Still not saying a word. Now my heart is pounding. I grab his wrists and look up at him tentatively, but he pulls them down until he can encase my fingers with his. “I…” He hesitates.
Does he regret it now? Is this it? Is this the moment when my heart gets stomped on and shoved down the drain like undesirable mush? I think I’m gonna throw up—“I want you to know that I meant what I said…I love you, Y/N…” His eyes gloss over and he looks up at the ceiling to fight the growing moisture. “…And I know I probably just inseminated you, but—” We both laugh and he blushes. “But, uhm…fuck…I guess it’s a bit awkward to do this in the shower, innit…,” he gives me a lopsided grin, dimples and all. So cute. Whilst I’m distracted by Harry’s beauty, I’m slow to acknowledge how the man is cautiously kneeling down onto the slippery tile. My breath catches. “I, uh…” He clears his throat when his voice cracks. I’m suddenly extremely self-conscious due to the angle change, yet Harry is gazing up at me like I’m some sort of holy angel from the heavens. The foot he’s leaning his weight upon slips a little, and he grabs onto my thigh and I hold his shoulders as he finds his balance. I giggle at the situation—partially because of his clumsiness, and partially because I don’t really know what’s happening. The hot water sprinkles down lightly over the two of us like rain, droplets running down our bodies and the glass walls. Harry slips off his ‘S’ ring and takes a hold of my left hand. “…This is just a placeholder for now…but…Y/N…” He plants a soft kiss on the top of my hand. “…Will you marry me?” Holy fucking shit.
“Oh, so we’re just gonna skip the whole dating thing then?” His face immediately falls. “W-wha—” “—Am I not worth courting, Harry?” I give him my best sulk and he buys it. Ope, I guess I thought he’d call my bluff right away…Gotta shut this down!
I smile brightly and nod. “Fucking-duh, I’ll marry you, silly!” He playfully scoffs at my joke, sliding the too-large-ring on my little ring finger and stands back up to his full height—almost a foot taller than me. I’m then shoved against the back tile wall, one of my legs hiked up and draped over his elbow. I gasp as he enters me without warning. He bucks into me hard, brutal, slow. Each sound that he fucks out of me is louder and higher-pitched than the last. “Yeah, of course you’ll marry me, huh…be a good little housewife f’me…wait ‘til I come home every night so I can fuck another pint of my cum into your tight little twat…would you like that, Bunny? Hm?” I whine and clutch onto his hair with one hand as the other squeezes his strong shoulder. “Yes…it’s already my favorite part of the day…” He chuckles darkly against my lips before biting them. “‘N what’s that, Bun’?”
“Mmmhh…when Harry’s home!” I exclaim weakly, my ass smacking against the wet wall behind me. “Mmm, Harry’s home, baby…Harry’s home.”
Sorry it took forever. I wanted to make it exactly the way I wanted. I hope you liked it.
:) ~ Regan
#harry styles smut#harry styles#harry styles one shot#harry styles fic#harry styles x reader#harry styles x you#harry styles fanfic#harry x reader#harry styles fanfiction#harry styles x y/n#harry edward styles#harry smut#harry styles blurb#harry styles imagine#harry styles imagines#harry styles x plus size reader#harry styles masterlist#harrys house#harrystyles#harrystylessmuttyfics#therealhousewifeofharrystyles#harry styles x curvy reader#harry styles fluff#harry styles series#harry styles dirty fanfiction#harry styles y/n#harry styles fanfic rec#harry styles au#harry styles angst#harry styles writing
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Funny HOTD idea:
I just had this very funny idea that when Rhaenyra and her family come to Kingslanding to defend Lucerys claim and the Greens see their nephews and sister after so many years it is season two Jacaerys with the curls that they see.
The reason for this is that I want everyone to see Jacaerys and be shocked at how pretty he is. Particularly I want Helaena to see this and immediately be angry at her mother. Here is an incredibly attractive, noble, kind young man who she could have been married to.
Helaena knows that there were talks of a betrothal but that her mother pushed for her to wed Aegon. She made her peace with it and it helped that last time she saw Jace he was a child. Helaena does not want to be married to Aegon but she also does not want to be married to a child.
But Jace is back now and he is gorgeous and kind and dances with her. I just have this hilarious image in my head of Helaena just blue screening when she sees Jace and then looking at her mother all offended like: I could have married that!!!!! And instead you married me to that!!!! (Cue a drunk Aegon who is sweaty and smells like Flea Bottom).
I just want to see Helaena go off on her mother. “Not only did you put in motion the Dance of the Dragons where pretty much everyone in our family will die and the dragons will go extinct leading to our house being almost eradicated BUT you also married me to a drunken rapist when I could have married JACAERYS!!!! Do you HATE me!!!!!”
I just get such a kick out of imagining kind, docile Helaena going full Targaryen on her mother over her nephew. She is so indignant that she did not get to marry pretty, noble Jacaerys and now because of her mother Baela gets to. Although Aegon the Conqueror did have two wives…
#slightly ooc Helaena#jacaerys velaryon#helaena targaryen#jacaerys x helaena#jacelaena#the house of the dragon#hotd#pretty jacaerys Velaryon#hotd au#alicent hightower#rhaenyra targaryen#I love Harry Collet but they did him a disservice with the season 1 wig#curly haired Jacaerys velaryon#Baela might not mind sharing#hotd headcanon#house of the dragon#house targaryen#house of the dragon au#aegon ii targaryen#Helaena is not happy to be married to Aegon#even Alicent has to admit that Aegon is a bit lacking in comparison to Jace#fic ideas#arranged marriage#the marriage that should have been arranged according to Helaena#just look at him#Helaena is just over here like: seriously mom😒#Alicent really did Helaena dirty#baela targaryen
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You Think Of Me When Exactly?
Summary: a Wattpad request by mysticalrosean - “There was a girl at the show that had a sign saying " think of you when I shag my boyfriend" which I found really funny so I think it would make a good story where he sees that sign and he did acknowledge it he saw it for real haha but then make it so that he sees the girl again and remembers the sign she did and they end up fucking, also make it so he is dominant and kinda like teasing her about the fact she thinks of him while with her boyfriend or something also maybe turns out she doesn't actually have a bf so she just said that to get his attention haha”
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, suggestive language, inappropriate sign, oral (both), fingering, protected sex, hair pulling, biting, fluff with nasty filth | I love this idea so much
Y/F/N -> your friends name

You honestly didn’t think Harry would see your sign.
But he did.
“Okay ne- wow..” Harry stops talking and chuckles. The fans follow and erupt with laughter.
“Oh my god, y/n. He’s looking at your sign!” You friend elbows you and you’re in shock, “Oh my god.”
You hold the sign up that reads I THINK OF YOU WHEN I SHAG MY BOYFRIEND and smile.
“What’s your name?” Harry asks you.
“Y/n!” You yell but you weren’t loud enough so Harry asks you again, “What’s your name?”
He puts his hand to his ear, “Y/n?”
You nod quickly, “Yes! Yeah, y/n!”
He presses his hips together and shakes his head, “Where are you from y/n?”
You tell him where you’re from and he smirks, repeating the location, “Yeah, I thought so.” He chuckles and you cover your face as you laugh, sign still in your hand facing him.
He laughs, “Down Y/N!”
You’re shaking at this point and mumble words that don’t even make sense, “Fuck, oh my god.”
“Who’s that?” Harry asks pointing to someone who’s on someone’s shoulders, “What’s your name?”
The girl yells, “Ella!”
“Ella? You get down as well!”
The crowd laughs and you’re still in shock at the interaction.
“Yes, y/n. We’ve all seen the sign! Thank you very much!” Harry laughs, “This is a family show.”
The crowd screams and Harry whispers into the mic, “Or is it?”
You scream and cheer with the crowd.
“No, actually tonight it is, my mother is here.” The crowd screams and he looks back at you, “Yes, show a little decorum, y/n. Thank you.”
You laugh and cover your face, putting your sign down.
“This next song, wow this is the weird transition ever, we’re about to sing you a very sad song.”
The rest of the concert was a exhilarated blur. All you can think of was Harry calling out your sign.
“Down, y/n.” His words replayed in your head and you knew if you had the chance, you would definitely get down for him.
On your knees.
Mouth open.
You would let that man defile you in more ways you can imagine.
“Yeah I’m headed to the coffee shop now.” You tell y/f/n, “Yes. I’m coming. I’m on…” you look around for road signs, “I don’t see any road signs but I’m by that library looking building.”
You walk up to a man who has his back turned and you gently tap his shoulder, “Excuse me, could you possibly tell me wh-“
You stop dead in your words.
“You’re on Brightwalton Street, love.” Harry give you a cheeky smirk.
“I gotta call you back.” You hang up the phone as your friend is talking, “Um.. h-hi Harry.”
“Hello, y/n.”
Him remembering your name sends chills down your spine, “You remember my name?”
“Can’t forget someone who brings a sign like that to my shows.” He shrugs and puts his hands in his hoodie pocket, “Where ya headed?”
“To the um.. coffee shop that’s I think next block over.”
He nods, “Meeting your boyfriend, huh?”
You laugh and shake your head, “No, no. He’s um.. back home. I’m meeting the friend that was with me last night.”
“Nice, nice. We’ll I hope to see you around.” He goes to walk away but turns around, “Send me a message on insta, I’d love to chat with you again.”
All you can do is nod.
He smiles and puts his head down at he turns around and walks away.
You stand there in shock. Your phone rings and rings until you finally snap out of what just happened, “Yeah, I’m coming. I just ran into Harry.”
“He said that he’d like to see with you again?” Y/f/n says as her jaw drops, “I’d get on that shit, y/n. Fuck.”
“Chat with.” You correct her, “Should I?”
She gives you a look, “Are you seriously asking me that right now?”
You smirk and look at her before laughing, “Okay.”
You go to Instagram and go to Harry’s profile, “No but in all honesty though, do you really think he’ll answer?”
“Only one way to find out.” She moves over so she can see what you type.
“How’s that?” You angle your phone over so you can show her and she reads it out loud, “Hey Harry, it’s y/n. Just reaching out like you told me to. Would love to meet up with you for sure!”
She nods and taps the send button before you can stop her, “Now we wait.”
“Harry thinks I have a boyfriend.” You cover your mouth and laugh.
“At least when you fuck him that won’t make you a cheater.” She laughs and shrugs, “Did he read it yet?”
You roll your eyes, “Probably not. He’s a busy man.”
You tap on your messages and lean in to see if you’re reading it correctly, “Um.. what does that say?” You hold your phone up into y/f/n’s face and she leans out around and smirks at you, “Oh he for sure read that.”
You chew your thumb nail, “what if he leaves me on read? What if he was just playing a game?”
“A sick game, if you ask me, but I don’t think Harry would do that.” She reassures you. You set your phone down and lock it, anxiously bouncing your leg.
A few minutes later, your phone lights up with an Instagram notification.
You unlock it and look at it,
You can come by my hotel if you’d like, that way there’s no chance of us getting spotted by fans.
You look up at your friend and point to get, “You better keep your fucking mouth cemented shut.”
You walk into the hotel and go to the front desk like Harry said to do.
“Hi, I’m here to see Harry.” You smile at the woman and she tilts her head, “What are you here for?”
You remember what Harry told you to say, “The interview with him.”
She nods, “Alright. Fourth floor, room 265.” She smiles and goes back to typing on her computer. You walk away and let out a sigh as you approach the elevator.
The doors open with a ding and you step on, pressing the button labeled with the number four.
It feels like you’re stewing in your nervousness for what feels an eternity before the doors finally open. You step off, smiling at people as they step on. You walk down the hall, pressing your hands to your thighs as you wipe off the layer of sweat.
“263.. 264..” you bite your lip as you stand outside of Harry’s door. You slowly being your hand up and knock.
“Coming!” Harry says from the other side. You take a deep breathe let it out before he opens it, “Y/n. Come in, please.”
He smiles and extends his arm, motioning for you to come in as he steps aside.
You walk in and your anxiety disappears.
You look around at his hotel room, kind of surprised it isn’t any fancier, but Harry does seems like the guy to have just a regular hotel room, no rockstar treatment.
“So, how was the coffee shop?” Harry asks as he shuts the door, “Did you find it alright?”
No, your mind was so frazzled from the prior experience you kept getting your left and right mixed up.
You smile and nod, “I did, it was lovely place. We’re just trying to explore before we head back home.”
“To your boyfriend..” Harry smirks, “that gets replaced by the thought of me when you shag him..” he chuckles at his own joke and you nod your head, “Yep. That’s him.”
He sighs and walks over to the mini bar, “Would you like a drink, y/n?”
You probably shouldn’t, “Sure.” You walk over next to him and watch him pout the tan colored liquid into the small glass.
“You know.” He hands you your drink and leans against the stand as he takes a drink of his, “You we’re on my mind all night after the show. Even today.”
You raise your eyebrows and take a sip, scrunching them up at the straight liquor taste, “Really?”
He nods, “Yeah, I’ve seen a lot of those signs, but you’re just one I couldn’t stop thinking about.”
“Hmm. Weird.” You smirk and choke down the liquid, “I thought about you to.”
He chuckles, “That’s no surprise.”
You bite your lip, deciding right then and there you’re going to keep the secret of not having one until you leave him, “Yeah. I thought about all the ways I’m going to think about you when he’s doing stuff to me.”
You can feel your cheeks heating up but you stand your ground with yourself.
You know what you want and you’re going to get it.
“Yeah?” He glances over at you, “Wanna enlighten me?”
You grab the liquor bottle and walk over to the couch, “I guess I can.” You sit down and pour yourself a little bit more, “When he goes down on me.. I think about looking down and seeing you.”
He smirks and rubs his chin with his hand as he sits down beside you, “Okay.”
“And when he kisses down my neck..” you sip your drink and bite your lip as you look up at him, “I tell myself over over that it’s you leaving those perfect little bite marks on my skin.”
He leans in, moving your hair to inspect, “Looks like you need some new ones.” His eyes move to yours before he leans back, “Do you tell yourself it’s my cock that’s inside of you?”
You nod, “Gets me so fucking wet.” You lean back and cross one leg over the other, “When he cums on my face and I close my eyes..” you look up at him, “I think you get the point by now.”
He shakes his head slightly, a serious look lays on his face, “Tell me.”
You smirk and tilt your head, “I picture you standing over me, stroking your cock as your cum falls all over my face.”
He shifts around in his seat and you can tell his cock is growing hard, but you have no room to talk. You feel like there’s going to be a wet spot under you if you stand up.
“You’re a dirty girl, y/n. I could tell just by looking at you.” He runs a hand through his hair, “How would your boyfriend feel about you being alone in my hotel room with me?”
You lean forward and set your glass down on the table, “I think.. what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”
Harry chuckles, “Are you sure?”
You nod and look from his lips to his eyes, “More than sure, Harry.”
He sets his glass down on the table and pulls you into his lap, grinding his hips upward. You moan as you feel his cock rub against your aching cunt.
“So you think of me when he does this?” He moves your hair out of the way and presses his lips to your skin, sucking spots up and down your neck, earning moans the grow louder each time.
You tangle your fingers into the hair on the back of his head, pulling as he bites down a little harder, “Fuck, Harry.”
He leans back and smirks, “Do you sound like that for him?”
“Only when I think of you.”
He leans in to the other side of your neck, treating it the same as the other before leaning back, “He must not be very good at what he does if you think of me for everything.”
You smirk and lean in to kiss him. His lifts are soft against yours. He slides his hands around to your ass, pushing your hips down as he makes you feel how hard you’ve made him.
You moan against his lips as you slowly make out with him. Your hands tighten in his hair and you push your hips down, “Fuck.”
“Do you want to feel what you think about?” Harry asks as he slides his hands around to undo your jean shorts.
You nod, “Please.”
“Are you this proper with him, too?” He chuckles as he slips a hand into the front of you underwear, “Fuck, I got you this wet? You’re soaked, baby.”
You moan and rest your head on his as he circles your clit with his fingers, “Y-yes.” You grind your hips down onto his hand, “Fuck.”
“Do you think of me when you boyfriend does this?” He moves his hand I’m down and slips two fingers inside of you, “Does he think he got you this wet himself?” He chuckles, “Poor sap doesn’t even know the truth.”
You moan and close your eyes, enjoying the feeling that it’s actually Harry touching you.
“He probably does now. I bet you’re all over the internet.”
“I don’t care.” You moan out and tilt his head up to kiss him.
His fingers work their way in and out of you as you whine against his lips.
“Do you want to moan out my name sometimes?”
“Yes, Harry.” You moan in response, “All the time.”
He kisses down your neck, biting new marks into it, “You’re such a dirty girl.”
He takes his hand away and leans up slightly, pulling his shirt off over his head, “Lay back.”
You plop onto the couch and lay on your back, watching as Harry slides both you shorts and panties down your legs. He drops them to the ground and pushes your legs open, “You have a beautiful pussy.”
He smirks at you before leaning down and slipping his tongue between your folds, “oh shit.”
You gasp and grip the back of the couch, moaning as Harry’s tongue does what you always imagined, “Fuck. Yes, yes.”
Harry’s hands grip your hips and pull you towards him more, digging his fingertips into your skin. He moans against you and you arch your back, “Harry!”
He continues to work your pussy with his tongue, nose bumping your clit just right which keeps pushing you towards your orgasm, “Fuck, fuck shit.”
You gasp and lay a hand on his head, pushing down as you move your hips up and down. You clench around his tongue and a string of whines and moans leaves your lips.
Harry continues to eat you out through it before leaning back, “Better than your boyfriend?” He smirks stands up slowly.
You nod, chest rising and falling rapidly, “Oh yeah.”
He pushes down his sweats, leaving him in his boxers as he sits back down. He lays a hand over his throbbing cock and nods for you to come over to him.
You move up to sit by him and he kisses you, “Treat my cock how you treat your boyfriends when you think of me.”
He presses one more kiss to your lips and leans back to watch you. You lean down, pressing kisses to his cock thought the thinly stretched fabric, “off.” You mumble as you snap the waist band.
You slip your fingers into them, helping him pull them down. Your eyes fixate on the head of his cock and you pull your lip between your teeth.
You wrap your hand around him, stroking a few times as you build up saliva in your mouth. You wrap your lips around him and slowly work your way down before getting into a stealthy rhythm of bobbing your head.
“Oh fuck, y/n.” Harry groans and lays a hand on your upper back. He closes his eyes and tilts his head back, “Shit.”
You relax and close your eyes, taking a deep breathe through your nose before sinking your head down on him, fully.
He gasps, “Fucking hell.” His hand slides up to your head, gently laying on it. You bring your head up, swirling your tongue around the tip, humming against him as you do.
“Y/N.. so good.” He pants out, “so fucking go-“ he groans as you slip him into your throat again, holding him here for a few seconds before sitting up.
He turns his head towards you with a smile as he pants, “If you do that when you think of me, your boyfriend is one lucky man.”
You roll your eyes and smirk, “Yeah, yeah.”
He grabs your wrists and pulls you into him. His hands slide down to your ass and squeeze, “I want to know what that pussy feels like.”
You nod and reach down to steady his cock. You rub it against your folds a few times before you feel the head of his cock stretching you open, “Fuck.” You moan quietly.
His grip tightens and he moves his hips up, eager to get inside of you.
You sink down into him, whimpering as he stretches you. He groans and looks up at you, “You feel so fucking good.”
He slides his hand up and grips your neck, pulling you down to crash his lips onto yours.
You move your hips at a rhythm that gives you the best pleasure you have ever felt. He slides his hand up, tangling it in your hair so he can tilt your head back, “Does my cock feel better than that boyfriend of yours?”
“y-yes.” you gasp out, “Fuck, so much better!” you dig your nails into his shoulder and push your hips down as you cum around his cock, “Fuck, fuck.”
“Shit.” Harry breathes out. He lets go of you hair and cups your cheek, “Im going to cum all over that pretty little face of yours.”
“Please do.” you look at him and take his thumb into your mouth, sucking it.”
He gasps and thrusts his hips up, “You’re such a dirty girl, cheating on your boyfriend with me.”
you smiles and gently bite down on his thumb, “Can i tell you something?”
he nods and rubs his thumb over your lips, “Hmm.”
“I actually don’t.. actually have a boyfriend.”
He chuckles, “Is that so?”
You nod and bite your lip, “I just wanted to see if you’d notice me.”
He smirks and leans in, pressing his lips up your neck and under your jaw, “I certainly did more than that, now didn’t I?”
He flips you so he’s on top of you and you’re on your back. he holds his cock still, resting inside of you.
“What are you doing?” you pout slightly.
“You’ve been a naughty girl, lying to me.” He leans down and brushes his lips over yours, “I’m going to make you beg for me to finish.”
“please harry.” you whine, moving your hips to get some sort of feeling, “I’m sorry.”
he tsks his tongue, “Not good enough, love.”
“Harry. please, fuck me.”
he watches as you pleade, “Harry. i’m s-“
he thrusts his cock deep inside of you and you take a sharp breathe, “Fuck yes, that please please please don’t stop.”
he slowly pulls out and thrusts back in, hard and deep.
“You’re lucky you’re you.” he winks and leans down to kiss you, swallowing your moans as he thrusts fast.
“yes, harry. fuck!” you let out a pleasured scream and wrap your legs around him, “Fuck, yes yes that!”
he moans into your neck and bites at your skin, “Fuck, m’gonna cum soon.”
you nod and unwrap your legs, preparing yourself to fall down to your knees.
“Fuck.” he grunts and pulls out, taking his cock into his hand as you get down onto the floor, waiting for his cum.
you open your mouth and stick your tongue out, closing your eyes as the first sting lands on your cheek.
he moans as he watches you collect it with your tongue, swiping it around your mouth and moaning out.
“You’re so fucking hot, y/n.” harry moans as he slows his hand down, stepping back to look at you as his chest rises and falls quickly.
you smile up at him, “Are you mad?”
he bites his lip and rests his hands on his hips. he stares at you for a few seconds before laughing and shaking his head, “No.” he goes to walk away but turns back and looks at you with a serious look, “Ill be mad if you fuck anyone else after this.”
i hope you liked this. please let me know what you thought of this. i think this was a great idea for a one shot so thank you to the person who submitted this!!
if you have any others feel free to send them here
likes and re blogs are majorly appreciated <3
#harry styles#harry styles fanfiction#harry styles smut oneshots#harry styles dirty one shot#smut#harry styles smut#harry styles smutty fanfic#dirty oneshots#cinemastyles-blog#current Harry#Harry’s house Harry#Harry styles x fan!reader#Harry styles x fan#harry styles x reader#harry styles x y/n#harry styles dirty imagine#smut fanfiction#smut oneshots#Harry smut one shot#dirty harry styles imagine#dirty harry#dirty one shot#smut one shot#smutty one shots#Harry x reader smut#Harry x fan!reader smut#Harry smut#Harry styles dirty one shot smut#Coventry n2#Coventry n2 love on tour
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Ranking 20 random Gorillaz songs:
1. Clint Eastwood
2. Feel Good Inc
3. Doncamatic
4. Rock the House
5. Sleeping Powder
6. Kids With Guns
7. Dirty Harry
9. 19-2000
10. Strobelite
11. Saturnz Barz
12. Stylo
13. Humility
15. Rhinestone Eyes
15. Tranz
16. Désole
17. She’s My Collar
18. Cracker Island
19. The Pink Phantom
20. Aries
#gorillaz#clint eastwood#feel good inc#doncamatic#rock the house#sleeping powder#kids with guns#dirty harry#dare#19 2000#strobelite#saturnz barz#stylo#humility#rhinestone eyes#tranz#desole#she’s my collar#cracker island#the pink phantom#Aries
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"feel good inc winning bc it's the only song us yanks know by name" maybe for YOU
#re-hash 5/4 tomorrow comes today new genious man research punk sound check (gravity) double bass rock the house 19-2000 latin simone#starshine slow country m1a1 dracula left hand suzuki method last living souls kids with guns o green world dirty harry feel good inc#el mañana every planet we reach is dead november has come all alone white light DARE fire coming out of the monkey's head#don't get lost in heaven *inhaaaale* DEMON DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#FUCK WITH ME
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I think I’m officially going to start taking requests again! I love y’all and send them in ❤️❤️❤️❤️
#harry styles smut#harry styles dirty imagine#harry styles#smut#harry styles drawing#will poulter smut#tom hardy smut#aaron taylor johnson smut#aemond targaryen smut#house of the dragon smut#elvis the king#elvis imagine#elvis smut#austin butler x reader smut#Austin butler smut
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#harryistheonlyoneforme#harry styles fic#harry styles fic rec#harry styles smut#smut#harry styles#harry styles filth#dbf harry styles#harry related writings#dbf harry#fic rec#harry styles dirty fanfiction#harry styles masterlist#harry fic#harry styles dirty imagine#harry styles dirty one shot#harrys house
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Oh, lads. Normally, when there is an OIRISH episode of something, I skip it. And I would have skipped 'A Killing in Cork' on Murder, She Wrote under normal circumstances.
But, dammit, they cast Andy Robinson in it. So I had no choice but to sit through it.
Guest Stars: - obviously, for many (most?) of us here, he's mainly known for Garak on ST:DS9 and now ST:LD- AKA the man who has spent the last 30 years trying to make Garashir canon, including writing several books and plays, and reading 10 episodes of fan-fic with Sid. But, in fact, when he was on this episode, he was more known as the serial killer Scorpio in Dirty Harry (1971) and Larry Cotton in Hellraiser. He also appeared in The X-Files, Law & Order, Matlock, Child's Play 3, Liberace (1988), The Twilight Zone (80s), The A-Team and more. This is his first of two appearances.
Another Trek character actor-- Fionnula Flanagan-- incidentally, the ONLY genuinely Irish person in the episode. You'll recognise Fionnula from a lot of things- Shaft (TV), The New Perry Mason, Kojak, The Bionic Woman, Trapper John MD, Benson, Cagney & Lacey, and American Gods. But Trek fans will recognise her from ST:DS9, ST:ENT and ST:TNG- the latter of which she played Data's mother. In the episode 'Inheritance,' she plays a violin with Data, and in real life, Fionnula is an accomplished violinist. Her husband was the cousin of actor Carroll O'Connor. This is her second of four appearances-- five if you count the MSW tv movie she appeared in.
Dakin Matthews - Another Trek actor who appeared in ST:VOY, but you might also recognise him from Elementary, Veep, Why Women Kill, Gotham, The Big Bang Theory, Castle, Stargate SGI, Carnivàle, Coach, House MD, and more. This is his second of three appearances.
Mark Rolston - Yet another Trek actor- Starfleet (voice), Star Trek Continues, ST:ENT, ST:TNG, ST: Resurgence (Video game). You might also recognise him from almost 200 credits, including Aliens, Perry Mason tv movie, Matlock, Lethal Weapon 2, Father Dowling Investigates, Babylon 5, Shawshank Redemption, Diagnosis Murder, ER, The X-Files, Angel, Alias, 24, Saw V-VI, Castle, Roots (2016), and more. This is his third of four appearances, the last two of which he plays the same character.
Finally, Donnelly Rhodes- You may recognise him from the reboot of Battlestar Galactica, but he's been in dozens of things, including Maverick (TV) Mannix, Ironside, The Wild Wild West (TV), Mission: Impossible (TV), Wonder Woman, Cheers, Magnum PI, Alice, The Golden Girls, The Outer Limits (90s), Smallville, Supernatural, and The Flash. This is his last of three appearances.
I got a kick out of this review, so decided to leave in here for you.
#i hate OIRISH episodes of American TV#fionnula flanagan#dakin matthews#donnelly rhodes#garashir#scorpio#dirty harry 1971#larry Cotton Hellraiser#The X-Files#Law & Order#Matlock#Child's Play 3#Liberace (1988)#The Twilight Zone (80s)#The A-Team#ST:VOY#Elementary#Veep#Why Women Kill#Gotham#The Big Bang Theory#Castle#Stargate SGI#Carnivàle#Coach#House MD#Shaft (TV)#The New Perry Mason#Kojak#The Bionic Woman
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Oii depois de muito tempo kkkk eu gostaria de pedir um concept com os número 1, 11 e 18.
Sdd disso tudo
Frases:Bem, me desculpe por ter me apaixonado por você, ok? Mas aconteceu e eu não posso fazer nada sobre isso./ Por que você tem que fazer com que manter distância de você seja tão difícil?/Você diz que sabe tudo sobre mim, mas nunca percebeu que eu tenho sentimentos por você, nem uma vez?
NotaAutora: Para você meu amor eu fiz é logo um imagine só pela saudade que estava de você aqui💗
Sinopse: S/n é assistente de Harry e depois de longos dois anos ela ainda se recusa a aceitar que tem uma queda por seu chefe.

The Assistent
NotaAutora: Aproveitem e não se esqueçam de deixar um comentário se gostar 💗

S/N sempre acreditou que conhecia Harry melhor do que qualquer pessoa. Como assistente pessoal dele nos últimos dois anos, ela estava envolvida em cada detalhe de sua vida. Desde os horários de shows até as preferências alimentares durante as longas turnês, ela estava ali para organizar e antecipar cada uma de suas necessidades. No entanto, havia algo que ela nunca soube como gerenciar: a forma como ele a fazia se sentir.
Ele não era mais apenas Harry Styles, o pop star mundialmente famoso. Para ela, ele era Harry, a pessoa que a desarmava com um sorriso e a fazia questionar sua própria racionalidade. A proximidade constante, seja nos camarins ou nas viagens para shows, tornava o controle sobre suas emoções uma tarefa impossível.
Naquela manhã, S/N tentou, como sempre, manter a compostura. A rotina era sua armadura. Preparou o café exatamente como ele gostava — forte, sem açúcar, e com uma pitada de canela. Quando ele entrou no estúdio de gravação, ela já estava esperando com a xícara em mãos.
— Bom dia, Sr. Styles — disse, oferecendo o café tentando esconder a ansiedade que surgia toda vez que ele estava por perto.
Harry pegou a xícara, seus dedos roçando os dela por um breve segundo, sentando- se, ela permaneceu imóvel parada a sua frente tentando controlar as batidas rápidas de seu coração.
— Obrigado, S/N — Agradeceu com sua voz suave e familiar.
Ela forçou um sorriso profissional, era sua forma de criar uma distância segura, de se proteger de qualquer possível vulnerabilidade.
— Precisa de mais alguma coisa?
— Sim, na verdade. — Ele inclinou-se um pouco, os olhos fixos nos dela. — Pode parar de me chamar de "Sr. Styles"?
Ela congelou, sentindo um nó no estômago.
— Desculpe, estou acostumada a manter as formalidades — respondeu, quase instintivamente.
— E eu não estou acostumado com isso. — O sorriso travesso que ela conhecia tão bem surgiu em seus lábios. — Me chame de Harry, somos próximos o suficiente, não acha?
Ela sentiu o gosto amargo da ansiedade enquanto seus dentes capturavam o lábio inferior, ela tentou não vacilar diante do olhar dele.
— Tudo bem, Harry.
Ele riu, algo nele parecia relaxado, mas ao mesmo tempo provocador.
— Muito melhor. — Seus olhos não deixavam os lábios dela. — E também pode não fazer isso — Harry tinha seu tom de voz mais baixo agora, quase como um apelo.
— Parar de fazer o quê? — Ela o olhou confusa.
— Morder o lábio assim — Harry inclinou-se para frente, os olhos caindo para sua boca novamente antes de subir de volta aos olhos dela. — É uma distração... E eu realmente preciso me concentrar hoje.
O calor subiu ao rosto dela, ela se afastou instintivamente, tentando se recompor, mas era tarde demais, seu corpo parecia estar em chamas.
— Desculpe... Harry. — O nome soou novamente, mais familiar agora. — Eu não farei.
— Obrigado. — Ele sorriu de lado, como se soubesse exatamente o que acabou de causar nela.
Era sexta-feira e o clima da equipe de Harry estava mais leve do que o habitual, não haveria shows nesse fim de semana então todos estavam de bom humor, principalmente depois de uma semana produtiva e bem-sucedida.
Quando Jeff sugeriu um happy hour para comemorar, S/n tentou se esquivar, mas foi convencida pela insistência de Sarah.
— Vai ser bom para relaxar, S/N! — disse Sarah, praticamente arrastando-a para fora do estúdio. — Você precisa se divertir um pouco, sempre vejo você tão séria, precisa se divertir.
— Eu realmente não sou muito de sair… — S/n murmurou, mas foi em vão.
O grupo já estava animado, e ela acabou cedendo. Harry também estava lá, normalmente ele não participava desses eventos mais casuais com a equipe, mas naquela noite ele parecia mais à vontade, interagindo com os colegas. Mesmo de longe, S/n sentia a presença dele. No bar, as conversas fluíam e o som de risadas preenchia o ambiente, mas S/n se mantinha um pouco afastada, evitando álcool e focando em manter sua postura profissional. Conforme a noite avançava, as pessoas começaram a ir embora aos poucos. S/n aproveitou para ir também, ela já estava se preparando para chamar um táxi quando Harry apareceu atrás dela.
— Está indo embora? — perguntou ele, sua voz suave.
— Sim, já está tarde…
— Eu também estou indo, podemos dividir, se quiser. — A sugestão de Harry parecia inocente e ela acabou aceitando.
O homem acenou e em menos de dois minutos já estavam embarcando. Dentro do táxi, o silêncio entre eles era denso, a cidade passava pelas janelas, as luzes refletindo em seus rostos, mas o foco de S/n estava virada para a janela, mas ela podia sentir o quão próximo Harry estava, o calor de sua presença fazia seu coração bater rápido. Harry tinha seus olhos fixos nela, observando-a como se estivesse pesando cada palavra antes de falar.
— Você realmente leva seu trabalho a sério, não é? — Ele quebrou o silêncio a fazendo virar para ele.
— Oi? O que disse? — Ela virou lentamente encontrando seus vidrados nela.
— Eu disse que você leva seu trabalho muito a sério.
— Bem, eu tento… — respondeu ela, um pouco confusa com a pergunta.
— Você nunca relaxa. — Ele olhou pela janela, antes de voltar os olhos para ela. — Você está sempre tão distante, nunca se permite com o grupo, eu sempre me pergunto se é por minha causa.
Ela franziu o cenho, sem entender bem onde ele queria chegar.
— Não sei do que você está falando. — Respondeu, sentindo-se um pouco defensiva. — Eu me divirto sim, eu gosto da equipe, eu gosto de trabalhar para você, se é o que realmente está perguntando.
— Se você gosta de trabalhar para mim, então por que parece que você esta sempre tentando ficar longe de mim?
S/n, sem perceber, mordeu o lábio inferior nervosamente, antes que pudesse responder, Harry inclinou-se levemente para ela, chegando tão perto de seu ouvido que podia sentir o calor de sua respiração.
— Já não te disse para não morder os lábios? — Murmurou com sua voz rouca. — Você não faz ideia do efeito que isso tem sobre mim.
S/n congelou por um momento, sentindo o corpo inteiro ficar tenso.
S/n sentiu seu coração acelerar ainda mais.
O que ele estava dizendo?
Por que ele estava dizendo aquilo agora?
— Desculpe... — tentou responder, mas sua voz saiu mais como um sussurro, as palavras estavam presas na garganta.
Harry apenas a olhou por mais um momento, antes de se inclinar lentamente em sua direção. Seus lábios macios foram de encontro aos dela a beijando, apenas com alguns selinhos até finalmente a beijá-la. S/n congelou por alguns segundos, seu corpo resistia, mas inevitavelmente, ela acabou cedendo, se entregando totalmente aos lábios de Harry.
Assim que precisaram de fôlego, ela olhou para ele, os lábios ainda formigando pelo contato, o coração batendo forte demais.
— Harry… — começou a falar, mas o táxi parou em frente ao prédio dela, interrompendo-a.
Ele a encarou, os olhos verdes e indecifráveis.
— É melhor eu ir, boa noite, Harry.
— Boa noite, S/n.
S/n saiu do carro com as pernas trêmulas, sem saber o que pensar.
Aquilo não podia ser real.
Ela estava imaginando coisas.
Harry não podia estar interessado nela, não daquela maneira, ele sempre foi alguém tão distante e inatingível.
O que tinha acabado de acontecer?
A manhã seguinte ao beijo foi um turbilhão de emoções para S/n. Ela não conseguiu dormir direito, revirando-se na cama e tentando entender o que havia acontecido. O toque de Harry, o calor de seus lábios ainda estavam frescos em sua mente, fazendo-a sentir-se confusa e inquieta.
Como aquilo tinha acontecido?
Como eles tinham cruzado aquela linha?
Ele estava bêbado! Essa era a única explicação que ela conseguia encontrar.
Era seu dia de folga, mas Harry havia enviado uma mensagem pedindo ajuda para organizar algumas coisas no estúdio. Ele mencionou que a recompensaria depois, mas isso só aumentou sua ansiedade.
Será que ele nem se lembrava do que havia acontecido entre eles?
Quando entrou no estúdio, com o coração na garganta, S/n sabia que precisava agir, precisava colocar um fim naquela situação antes que tudo ficasse fora de controle.
Manter a distância, manter o profissionalismo… Era o certo, certo?
Harry estava na sala de gravação, sentado em um banquinho e usando fones de ouvido, concentrado em uma nova música, ao vê-la entrar ele tirou um dos fones e a saudou com um sorriso que a deixou ainda mais confusa.
— Bom dia.
Ele ergueu os olhos por um breve momento, S/n sentiu o peso do olhar dele sobre ela, desviando o olhar rapidamente.
— Bom dia — respondeu ele, com um tom amigável.
— Harry... — sabia que não poderia adiar mais, porque se não dissesse agora ela não teria mais coragem de dizer, então respirou fundo mais uma vez e se aproximou dele. — Você se lembra de ontem?
— Sim, por que? — Arqueou as sobrancelhas.
— Tudo?
— Tudo.
— Então você se lembra...
— Do beijo. — Ele sorriu mas não trouxe conforto a ela. — Sim, eu me lembro.
— Sobre ontem… — começou, evitando o olhar dele. — Eu sinto muito pelo que aconteceu, foi… foi um erro, eu não devia ter... eu não deveria ter me aproveitado do seu estado de embriaguez. — Ela hesitou, nervosa, confusa sobre de quem era realmente a culpa, mas sentia que precisava assumir a responsabilidade. — Eu não devia ter deixado isso acontecer.
— Você não tem nada do que se desculpar — Harry não parecia tão preocupado como ela. — Eu fui o responsável, mas eu não deveria ter feito aquilo se te deixou desconfortável.
Ele estava arrependido, mas o que isso significava? Ele realmente bebeu? O álcool nublou seu julgamento, mas ele também fez a escolha de beijá-la? Mordeu o lábio, segurando a onda de emoções que ameaçava transbordar.
— Eu sei que você provavelmente não estava em plena consciência ontem... — começou, sem deixar que ele falasse. — E eu não deveria ter deixado isso acontecer, prometo que vou manter distância a partir de agora. — Ela hesitou, as palavras saindo de forma forçada, porque parte de si não queria dizer aquilo. — Isso não vai acontecer de novo, eu vou me afastar para que isso nunca mais aconteça.
Harry se inclinou para trás no banquinho, cruzando os braços, claramente ponderando as palavras dela.
— Então é isso que você quer? Quer a gente mantenha a distância?
Era isso que ela deveria querer, era o que fazia sentido.
Eles trabalhavam juntos, era único caminho possível, certo?
— Sim. — Respondeu finalmente, embora a voz tenha saído fraca. — Isso é o melhor.
Harry respirou fundo, assentindo lentamente.
— Se é isso que você quer, então eu vou respeitar, vamos manter distância, S/n.
A maneira como ele disse seu nome a fez sentir um nó na garganta, parecia tão formal, tão distante, mas foi ela quem pediu por aquilo, e agora precisaria lidar com as consequências.
Nos dias que se seguiram após o beijo que compartilhavam, tanto S/n quanto Harry fizeram o possível para manter a promessa que haviam feito. Eles se esforçavam para evitar qualquer contato pessoal, limitando-se a interações estritamente profissionais — relatórios rápidos, discussões objetivas sobre o show, sem nunca prolongar as conversas, mas o que parecia uma solução, só intensificava a tensão.
Cada encontro acidental ou casual tornava a situação mais insuportável, era como se o ar ao redor deles estivesse carregado de uma energia incontrolável, que os puxava um para o outro mesmo quando tentavam se afastar, para S/n, cada interação com Harry se tornava um desafio, como se cada segundo perto dele ela estivesse à beira de perder o controle. Ela ainda tentava se convencer de que o beijo foi apenas um erro, talvez algo motivado pelo cansaço ou uma noite de excessos.
Harry, por outro lado, estava sendo consumido por seu desejo, cada vez que a via, ficava mais difícil manter a fachada de chefe, ele estava completamente ciente do que havia feito e sabia que aquele beijo não tinha sido impulsivo, foi algo que ele desejava há muito tempo, mas como poderia explicar isso a S/n, se ela parecia se esforçar tanto para negar o que havia entre eles?
Está manhã, depois de mais uma tentativa frustrada de se afastar, S/n caminhava em direção ao elevador do hotel para ir ao local do show resolver algumas pendências para a noite, ela precisava de ar, de distância, de qualquer coisa que a fizesse parar de pensar em Harry, mas assim que as portas do elevador se abriram, ele estava lá, já esperando.
Eles entraram juntos sem dizer uma palavra, o espaço parecia diminuir à medida que o elevador subia lentamente. S/n sentia a tensão crescer, e tentou de todas as maneiras evitar olhá-lo. O silêncio no elevador era opressor, quase sufocante, S/n tentava manter a calma, concentrando-se no painel à sua frente, mas a presença de Harry ao seu lado fazia seu coração disparar, foi no segundo que ela mordeu os lábios distraidamente que Harry soltou um suspiro pesado, como se estivesse se segurando há muito tempo.
— Por que você tem que fazer com que manter distância de você seja tão difícil? — ele Indagou de repente, sua voz soando quase como um desabafo, quebrando o silêncio.
S/n se virou lentamente para encará-lo, surpresa com a intensidade em seus olhos.
— Eu não estou fazendo nada. — Sua voz saiu hesitante.
Ele deu um passo à frente quase a prensando contra parede fria do elevador.
— Eu estou cansado disso — Sussurrou, segurou a cintura dela. — S/n, eu não beijei você porque eu estava bêbado, eu beijei porque eu queria, como eu quero agora. — Ele sorriu antes de ir ao encontro dos lábios dela.
Dessa vez, não houve hesitação, não havia dúvidas. O beijo era urgente, carregado de toda a frustração e desejo que ambos vinham segurando por tanto tempo. S/n, sem conseguir resistir, cedeu completamente, ela sentiu o gosto dele, a urgência do momento, tudo o que vinha tentando controlar explodiu ali, naquela pequena caixa de metal.
Quando o elevador finalmente parou no andar, eles se afastaram, ambos ofegantes, ela ainda sentia o calor dos lábios dele nos seus, mas a realidade rapidamente se impôs. Eles estavam em um hotel, prestes a descer para o show, cercados de pessoas, onde cada movimento seria observado, então apenas se separaram e seguiram seu caminho.
Depois de resolver tudo o que precisava, S/n sentiu se no sofá do camarim vazio de Harry para descansar um pouco, aquele beijo ainda latejava em sua mente.
— S/n? — Harry apareceu na porta. — Podemos conversar?
Ela virou lentamente, o coração disparado.
— Claro, precisa de alguma coisa para o show? — perguntou, tentando adotar um tom formal.
— É sério? Nós acabamos de nos beijar no elevador e você ainda age assim? Você realmente acha que eu posso simplesmente fingir que isso não aconteceu?
— O que você quer que eu faça? Por que eu realmente estou tentando entender o que aconteceu.
— Eu quero que a gente pare de fingir — Admitiu em voz baixa. — Pare de tentar manter distância, não dá mais, não pra mim.
S/n sentiu um calafrio, tudo o que ela mais temia estava acontecendo.
— Harry... foi um erro — Ela começou, tentando manter o controle. — Nós trabalhamos juntos, não podemos deixar isso atrapalhar.
Ele deu mais um passo à frente se sentando ao lado dela, os olhos fervendo de frustração.
— Eu tentei, tentei manter as coisas profissionais... — Ele parou por um momento, como se escolhesse as palavras certas. — Mas eu não consigo, não consigo fingir que não sinto nada por você.
— Então eu vou pedir demissão — Ela sussurrou, baixando os olhos. — Não quero fazer você se sentir assim.
Harry balançou a cabeça, frustrado.
— Você diz que sabe tudo sobre mim, mas nunca percebeu que eu tenho sentimentos por você, nem uma vez?— Ele deu aproximou-se ainda mais dela. — Durante dois anos, você foi minha assistente, como nunca percebeu que eu sempre senti algo por você?
Ela ficou sem palavras, porque em dois anos ela se convenceu de que era apenas trabalho, de que o que eles tinham era estritamente profissional. Agora, tudo estava sendo jogado diante dela e ela não sabia o que fazer com isso.
— Você não pode estar falando sério, Harry — Ela murmurou, tentando desesperadamente manter a razão. — Você não pode sentir isso.
— Bem, me desculpe por ter me apaixonado por você, ok? Mas aconteceu e eu não posso fazer nada sobre isso.
Tudo o que ela acreditava estar controlando desmoronou diante dela.
— Harry, eu... — Ela começou, mas parou, as palavras falhando.
— Me diz que você não sente nada. — Ele protestou.— Me diz que isso é só coisa da minha cabeça e eu vou embora agora, mas você tem que ser honesta comigo, honesta consigo mesma.
Ela fechou os olhos, tentando organizar os pensamentos, fugir não era mais uma opção, ela sabia que havia algo ali, algo que ela tinha negado por muito tempo.
— Isso é muito complicado, nós trabalhamos juntos, você é famoso, há tantas coisas que me dão medo, eu sou sua assistente, isso pode... pode acabar muito mal.
— Eu sei que pode, mas não posso continuar fingindo.
Ela abriu os olhos e o encontrou com um olhar sincero, quase vulnerável, o que a desarmou completamente. Harry não era o tipo de pessoa que mostrava fraquezas, mas ali estava ele, se expondo de uma forma que ela nunca imaginou.
— Eu também não consigo mais fingir — confessou ela, finalmente. — Mas... e o trabalho? E nós? Como vamos lidar com isso?
Ele suspirou, aliviado ao ouvir suas palavras, mas ainda ciente dos obstáculos que viriam pela frente.
— Nós encontramos um jeito — começou, determinado. — Podemos estabelecer limites no trabalho, mas fora daqui, S/n, eu não quero mais me segurar, eu quero estar com você, quero poder te abraçar, sentir você, te beijar quando eu quiser.
Pela primeira vez, ela permitiu-se considerar a ideia de estar com ele.
— Eu também quero — disse ela, surpresa até consigo mesma. — Mas vai ser difícil com o trabalho, você tem certeza disso?
— Eu passei dois anos te querendo, eu não vou fugir agora.
Ela abriu a boca para responder, mas as palavras se perderam quando ele a puxou para si, colando seus lábios aos dela em um beijo carregado de todos os sentimentos que guardaram por tanto tempo.
— Eu nunca mais vou te soltar — Confessou, com uma intensidade que fez o coração dela acelerar ainda mais. — Não importa o quão complicado isso se torne, eu não consigo e não quero me afastar de você.
S/n sabia que os desafios ainda estavam por vir, que equilibrar o trabalho e seus sentimentos seria mais difícil do que imaginavam, mas naquele momento, com o gosto dos lábios de Harry nos seus, ela teve a certeza de que apesar de todas as complicações nenhum dos dois estava disposto a desistir.
Obrigado por ler até aqui 💗 O feedback através de um comentário é muito apreciado!
#soft concepts#styles#harry styles soft#harry styles girlfriend#harry styles fluff#harry styles fanfic#harry styles fic#harry styles fanfiction#harry styles fake text#harry styles daddy kink#harry styles dirty fanfiction#harry styles dirty imagine#harry styles imagines#harry styles imagine#imagine harry styles#harry styles drabble#harry styles dirty one shot#harry styles one shot#daddy harry styles#harry styles and reader#harry styles wattpad#harry styles writing#harry styles series#harry styles angst#harry styles and y/n#harry styles breakup#harry styles boyfriend#harry styles comfort#harry styles cute#harry styles harry's house
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Can you do an angst piece where they have a 3 year old and everything has been really crazy but H is spending the most of his time working and not helping y/n? Bonus points if an ex girlfriend comes back into the picture
Summary : Harry prioritised work over his family
Pairing : famous!Harry x reader!y/n
Warning : but of angst, fluff , none of the personalities of the characters are real. Purely fictional!
A/n : not really an angsty piece tbh but hope you like it :)
My masterlist
Taking care of a three year old while being 5 months pregnant is not an easy task and while y/n had been down playing it as no hard work to everyone asking her ,it was bad. With a popstar husband busy writing the album of the year he seems to have neglected his family and was yet to realise it.
Although y/n was working from home she missed dressing up and going out and enjoying the weather or having her favourite ice cream in the park. But the most she missed was her husband who was working late yet again he couldn't join them for dinner. Their little baby daughter asking for her father before her bedtime for a kiss but how could y/n explain to a three year old that he was working, he was so busy to take some time to spend with his family.
It made her think back to the time when they decided to have a kid and Harry promised to always be there for them but now y/n was worried. Sure he always came back but she needed him here. She needed him when her morning sickness left her tired, she needed him to help her around the house and most of all she needed him to take care of Avery and her even for just a minute.
Her swollen ankles and the bump making it hard for her to do things in their house but Harry had no idea as he climbs into bed at 4 in the morning apologizing for waking her up and by the time y/n wakes up to prepare Avery's breakfast and lunch he was already long gone.
Y/n doesn't even remember the last time they had an actual conversation face to face. He sends texts every now and then to check up on them but that was it.
Y/n was in the shower, she swore off baths since she couldn't get up on her own and had a wave of mood swings had hit her so she had called crying to Harry to come help her up. It was a fond memory now they laugh about. She hears the bathroom door open sending her in high alert as to who it could be. No one has the key or the passcode to the front door except Harry but he was at the studio so who could it be?
She silently peeks through the shower curtain to find Harry with an apologetic look on his face. "Hey, what are you doing here?" Y/n asks suddenly very aware of the fact she was naked with how Harry was eating her with his eyes. The water droplets and pregnancy glow was making Harry crazy enough he was half hard but he gulps it down stammering as he speaks "wow, you are glowing baby." He says eyes running all over her body. And y/n blushes because truth was with how busy he was they hadn't had sex in weeks and Harry loved to love on her when she was pregnant knowing she has some doubts about her body changing. "I just ......I didn't know, I'm sorry. We were just there to celebrate and she just -" Harry stops mid sentence at the confused look on y/n's face as she wraps herself in a towel.
"H, what are you talking about?" She asks getting out of the shower with harry helping and walks towards their closet grabbing a pair of underwear and Harry's shirt as she takes a seat on the bed.
He looks guilty as he murmurs something trying to get away from this situation but he perks up when he sees her questioning look"Kendall...." Was all he had to say for y/n to realise he had messed up big time.
Kendall was obsessed with Harry and she was Harry's last ex-girlfriend before he found his soulmate. Y/n had nothing against her untill Kendall decided to ruin their life by constantly showing up on their dates making both of them uncomfortable. Kendall even turned her whole mass of fans against y/n when she found out they were engaged. She had been trying to sabotage their relationship from the start and against all odds y/n and Harry were truly happy and tried to deal with the situations calmly. But y/n was human too she was jealous when some other woman's hands lingered a bit long for her liking or the eyes on him as he works out or goes out for a walk but she never complained about it and accepted that this was who he was. The was a celebrity and people were always going to be curious about him and his life which she was a huge part of.
But to know he was out partying all night celebrating a song they completed with Kendall of all people broke her poor tired heart. She sits in silence as Harry looks distressed waiting for her response. Y/n never raised her voice. Even with Avery she was firm but her voice never raised so he was a bit taken aback when he hears her "How long are you going to keep doing this Harry?" She had asked anger evident in her tone.
Harry had told everything that happened how Kendall was stuck beside him all night and got really drunk enough to try to kiss him which he thankfully dodged but the pictures on the internet looks like they were kissing but Harry promised y/n that didn't happen.
"Why do you keep letting her mess up our lives? How long do I have to act like it doesn't faze me? I know you wouldn't cheat but I don't trust her. We had this conversation years ago H and you keep doing this again and again it's so hard for me to believe she just keeps coming back after so many rejections from you." With doubt in her voice y/n avoids his eyes, hers filled with tears.
"no baby, I would never do anything to intentionally hurt you. Kendall is nothing to me. You know I try to avoid her as much as possible" he says firmly making his point but that wasn't the biggest problem.
"It's not just that...." Y/n had been wanting to talk to him about his distance but with how unavailable he was they hadn't had a proper conversation in days.
"What is it?" Harry asks with worry.
"I get it, I really do. I get that people expect from you. I know you are working hard to provide for us but you are getting too involved to even spend time with us Harry. It feels like you don't care about us anymore. Of every person who expects from you, as your family don't we have the right to just expect you to be here for us?" Y/n questions her eyes meeting his stunned ones as he swallows the new information.
His heart beating rapidly as y/n doesn't wait for his reply as she walks out of their shared bedroom.
Harry stands still in his spot, seconds pass....minutes pass as y/n's words keep echoing in his mind and he sees it . How he had been neglecting his family. Harry is left with guilt as he thinks about how he hadn't been present at all to help y/n. He didn't even know her cravings or how the last ultrasound was. He didn't know if their baby was healthy and it teared him apart.
He falls on his knees as realisation hits him, he was going to lose the love of life. His glossy eyes decipher his little baby running towards him with a stuffie tucked under her arm as she hugs him tight. "missed you daddy" Avery sweetly says nuzzling her face into her father's neck as Harry hugs her tight scared he might lose her soon.
It was right then harry decides to honour his vows. Like he should have before. He vowed to always always be there for her and promised that y/n and their future family will always be his first and foremost important priority.
The next few days he stays home and takes care of Avery and helps y/n around the house. But she still wasn't convinced and wasn't talking to him. When he tucks Avery after reading her a bed time story he finds his wife cuddling under the blankets with a romcom playing on the tv.
He sits beside her and pulls her closer and y/n immediately relaxes beside him nuzzling further into his warm chest. Harry cradles her bump as he says "I'm sorry baby, I really am. I'm sorry i didn't realise it sooner. I'm going to be here from now on. You guys means the world to me and you are everything i need."
"It's okay bub, I'm glad you are here now that's all that matters" y/n says lightly kissing his jaw.
Harry cranes his neck and finally attaches his lips with hers. Their lips move in sync as harry pulls y/n onto his lap his hands roaming around her body settling on her bump.
"I love you" harry says eyes meeting hers and y/n whispers the words back and reattaches their lips.
Y/n was glad harry came back. He kept his words and promises and started working less hours, cooked breakfast for them, dropped Avery at her preschool , took care of y/n and they finally felt like a family again.
A/n: I hope this was up to its expectations anon. since most of you voted for happy ending, but some of the requests may have a sad ending.
send in any requests:)
#harry styles#harry styles fanfiction#writer#harry styles smut#romance#scenarios#liam payne#louis tomilson#niall horan#one direction#harry styles dirty one shot#harry smut#harry styles smile#harrys house#harry styles hair#angst with a happy ending#harry styles angst#harry styles writing#harry styles imagine#harry styles reader insert#harry styles x reader#famous#fluff#harry styles fluff
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“Want me to teach you?”
𐙚Summary: You’re hogwarts good girl and Mattheo sees you at a party, leading to him teaching you how to give somebody(him) a blowjob.
𐙚a/n: repost from my old account, not read over or anything so their might still be spelling errors. i’m gonna be focusing on reposting some things from my old blog for now 💞
𐙚Content warning: partying, hints at Mattheo having a crush on reader for awhile, blowjob, overall kind of vanilla, possible dubcon(Both Mattheo and reader are drunk.), Soft Mattheo, again, very vanilla!, 18+ ONLY, MDNI
You stumbled your way into the empty classroom, the other man kicking the door closed with his foot as the two of you’s tongues fought for dominance. Your heart beating unimaginably fast in your chest. You feel his soft grasp on your waist as you two pulled back for air.
A grin formed on his face as he looked at your flush face and already kiss swollen lips. “You have no idea how long i wanted this.” He said before kissing you again, not giving you a chance to respond.
Maybe it was a good thing you came to this party instead of studying tonight..,
You take a deep breath as you walked into the crowded party. Already feeling the blisters forming on your feet from the heels you were wearing, The loud music blaring, you recognized the song as ‘Talk dirty’ by Jason Derulo. You rolled your eyes at the obscene words of the song as you squeezed your way past the groups of dancing students from various houses. Exams were coming up which means you typically wouldn’t be skipping your nightly studying, however tonight was a special exception. After the upcoming exams next week, it’s graduation. These are your final two weeks that you’ll ever be spending here at hogwarts. The thought put a deep, never ending pit into your stomach. Over the years hogwarts has became your home, the thought of not eating breakfast in the great hall while talking with your friends felt like a bizarre, ‘never happening’ thought. You couldn’t imagine not hearing Draco and Harry getting into their daily arguments and scuffles during classes. And most of all, you’ve grown used to these people, especially one certain boy.
You made your way over to the drinks. The thoughts of graduating made your stomach do flips that you desperately wanted to drink away. You combined a bit of each drink, making the drink look a brownish colour. You swished it around in the cup as you stood there. Your eyes sweeping over all the students you could manage to see.
You didn’t see him, the one guy you wanted to see the most. You knew you shouldn’t be too worried about it. He never missed a party, but what if he suddenly wanted to focus on his studies instead? or maybe he saw you and he left? maybe he actually couldn’t stand you?
Before you managed to get too caught up in your thoughts you saw your friend Angelina Johnson coming over, she was wearing a low cut black dress with a deep v neck, her toned, thin body on display. The sweat that formed on her body and the lights from the party together made her skin glow with a variety of colours. You suddenly felt overdressed as you looked down at your own light baby blue silk dress that covered your thighs and stomach.
“Girl! you came, i knew you wouldn’t miss this.” She said as she stumbled over to you, drink in hand.
“Yeah. Just felt weird to stay in my dorm studying all night when i might not even see any of these people again.” You said with a chuckle as you took a sip of your drink. It sent a tingling sensation down your throat and into your body. You haven’t drank in a while, probably since last year’s Christmas party.
“I get it.” Angelina agreed as she topped up her own drink. “I’m glad you came.” She added genuinely with a smile before grabbing your wrist with a grin, “But you are NOT staying here all night.” She added, already pulling you with her, ignoring the other bodies in her way as you muttered apologies when you guys bumped into people. Accidentally knocking some peoples drinks onto the floor, causing you and Angelina to giggle as the two of you rushed further away in the direction of your friends.
You finally reached all your other friends who were further off towards the left of the room. You said hello to your friends before taking another sip of your drink, the overall atmosphere getting to you as you started to enjoy yourself more.
As time went on you started loosening up, drinking more, dancing with your friends. The loud music having a variety of different songs that matched the atmosphere. Other students slowly started leaving to the dorms or washrooms to hook up. Draco was making out with Astoria against the wall like a duo of horny dogs. And that’s where you spotted him.
Mattheo Riddle. The infamous ‘prince’ of Slytherin, son of the dark lord. a bit of a tit, or ‘manwhore’ as your friends call him. Constantly attending parties instead of studying. Constantly having new ‘girlfriends’. A complete asshole to others.
Well atleast that’s how others describe him. they weren’t exactly wrong, but you personally never had any bad experiences with him. He could be tit, yes, but he was never necessarily rude. He was kind of nice in a way. In a charming way. The perfect amount of Goofy, nice, and cold. Not Fred and George Weasley level of goofy. Not Neville Longbottom level of nice. Not Theodore Nott level of cold. The way his hair was always perfectly curled. His perfect white teeth that lit up the room when he smiled. Or maybe it’s just because you’ve had a big, fat, tv school girl type crush on him since second year.
He was leaning against the side of the fire place, Next to Astoria and Draco. He was alone though, no girl practically dry humping his leg this time. From where you stood you had the perfect view of his side profile as he lit up a cigarette, struggling slightly to get the lighter to work properly. His red solo cup resting on the top of the fireplace next to him. It was like everyone else in the room was nonexistent as you admired the man just a mere couple feet away from you. You didn’t realize your staring until you were forced out of your daze with a rough nudge to your shoulder.
“Seriously? daydreaming about the dark lords son?” Angelina joked light-heartedly as she glanced over in Mattheos direction. You blushed as you looked at her and back to Mattheo
“Uh- No… just noticed him, that’s all.” You brush off. Rubbing your arm uncomfortably with the humid temperature of the party. You couldn’t help but sneak another glance at Mattheo as you swore you saw him look at you out of the corner of your eye.
“Good. You could do so much better than the local slytherin manwhore.” Angelina joked, before standing up from her spot on the little bench, pulling you up with her. “Come on girls! let’s dance instead of sit around like a bunch of bums, last party ‘till graduation.”
And then the night went on. You danced for what felt like forever with your friends. completely forgetting about the fact you’re all going to need to grow up in a couple weeks. That some of you were moving to completely different countries soon after graduation. You all just enjoyed each other’s company, talking to some of the other students that you guys were friends with but not tight nit. Gradually different girls in your friend group dispersed, going off with random guys or their boyfriends to hook up. until eventually it was just you, Angelina, and now Fred.
Fred and Angelina were grinding against each other as you took a quick break from dancing, downing another drink. Your body was feeling lighter now. Angelina was drunk as fuck, Fred almost just as drunk. You stumbled slightly as you made your way back over to the two drunks. Angelina reached out and pulled you closer, “Dance with uss,” She slurred out. You chuckled as you entertained her idea, dancing with them.
You were enjoying yourself before you felt hands firmly plant themselves onto your hips and your back come into contact with a the taller mans upper body. Causing you to freeze slightly. You blushed as you felt them grind themselves against you in sync with your previous dancing. You never did anything like this before so you internally panicked, looking at Angelina for help. But she only grinned, giving you a reassuring nod. you knew what she was saying: ‘Just go with it!’. So you listened, hesitantly moving your hips again. You took it as a good sign to continue when the grip the stranger had on your hips tightened ever so slightly.
You attempted to copy Angelinas movements as you started to feel yourself. That was until you heard a voice, the stranger leaning down to whisper in your ear with an amused tone: “Never knew the ‘hogwarts good girl’ could dance like this.”
Your eyes widened and heart beat picked up as you registered the voice. You knew that voice. “M-Mattheo..?” You stuttered out as you looked up at him wide eyed. Face flushing. His breath smelled heavily of Alcohol and cigarettes. You could faintly smell his go to ‘Dior sauvage’ cologne that you were forced to smell every day in the morning for three years.
“The one and only sweetheart.” He flirted, turning you around so that you face him. You feel his hard-on through his pants. You couldn’t muster a word as you stared in admiration and nervousness. This is your first time being so close to him. “What? cat got your tongue?” He teased with a smirk.
You blinked at his words before shaking your head, “No- no.. just surprised.” You attempted to say more casually, though it instead came out shy and timid. You finally looked down from his face, glancing at the silver chain locket around his neck with the Slytherin snake symbol decorating it, the black t-shirt he was wearing underneath a thin black button up jacket. You flinched lightly as you felt his hands start to run up and down your waist.
He chuckled at your response before asking; “Wanna head off somewhere else?” with a smirk. You knew what he was suggesting. It felt like everything was a dream. But at the same time you didn’t want him to expect too much from you. so you blurted out;
“I never did anything like this before.”
And that leads to your current situation. In a random, empty classroom in a heated make out session with Mattheo. You clench your thighs together in excitement. Your stomach doing little cartwheels as you pulled away again for air. You chuckled nervously as Mattheo started littering kisses along your jaw and down to your neck. You grinned softly, biting your lip as you got your breath back, hand resting on his shoulder as you glanced down at his bundle of curls. You were nervous. You heard stories about what it’s like to do things with him. That he’s rough, sadistic, and so on. All the things you didn’t want for trying anything remotely sexual for the first time, but now you couldn’t care less. perhaps it was just the alcohol in your system messing with your thinking. Either way you couldn’t help the giddy feeling you had while Mattheos’ kisses trailed along your collarbone until it stopped right in the middle. He pulled back and admired your dress, finger tracing along the ruffles at the very bottom of the dress.
“Cute dress,” He mumbled, standing up properly again, making you have to arch your head up to see his face. Your face flushed more -if it was even possible- as you stumbled over your words but eventually got out a small ‘Thank you’.
He grinned as his fingers gently ran across the outline of your face. This wasn’t the Mattheo that you heard others described, and you couldn’t help but notice the softness in his eyes as he admired your appearance. You quickly pushed the thought away the possibility of him liking you, you ‘were just another one of the girls he was gonna hook up with’ you thought. Perhaps the look in his eyes was just from the alcohol in his system. Or maybe he could tell how drunk you were. You only got knocked out of your thoughts when he asked you a question:
“Have you never even given a blowjob before?” Mattheo asks, his hand falling from your face and instead resting on your hips as his other hand rested on the desk next to you.
You glanced down, embarrassed as you bit the inside of your cheek. You felt ridiculous, you were nine-teen fucking years old and you’ve never even sucked a guy off yet, the most basic of stuff. You tried telling yourself that it wasn’t that big of a deal, but you couldn’t deny the pang of embarrassment that you felt when you had sleepovers with your friends and couldn’t relate with anything they said while talking about boys. Mattheo seemed to read your body language though as he chuckled and responded despite your lack of an answer.
“No?” he asked amused, tilting your head up to look at him again. “Want me to teach you?” he asked, grin plastered on his damned, handsome face. You swallowed in anticipation and nerves while nodding.
He wasted no time in picking you up off the table and turning the both of you around, switching the two of you’s places. “Get down on your knees sweetheart,” He told you as he pushed you down gently, his hand on your shoulders. You did as you were told, pushing the skirt of your dress up slightly so that you weren’t pulling it down by your knees.
Mattheo smirked down at you as he took his jacket off, going at a teasingly slow pace as he placed it behind him. With the jacket off you could see the shirt he had underneath. The sleeves stopping just at his elbows, showing off his muscular forearms. Fuck was he hot. You weren’t sure what to do next as he leaned against the desks, hands resting behind him which held him up. He chuckled with an amused grin before saying; “You can undo the belt princess,”
You nodded, reaching up as you attempted to undo his belt. Feeling nervous to touch him, attempting to take the belt off while acting like you’re walking on eggshells. Mattheo struggled to hold back a laugh as he moved his hand to help you take the stupid belt off, slapping your hands away as he undid the belt himself. “You can pull a zipper down at least, right?” He asked with a smirk.
You smiled at his words, rolling your eyes as you mumbled out a yeah. taking the zipper into your fingers as you unzipped his black jeans. looking up at him as he simply nodded. You pulled his pants down slightly, leaving them at the middle of his thighs. You looked up nervously, and feeling slightly awkward as he watched you. Considering the fact you never did this before you were scared to progress. Holding the waistband of his boxers hesitantly. You couldn’t help but bite your lip to hold back a laugh as Mattheos own laugh resounded throughout the empty classroom. His hand gently playing with your hair as he spoke: “You don’t have to be so nervous, just pull the boxers down.” He said amused, causing yourself to let out a laugh, his attitude doing a surprisingly good job at making you feel more comfortable.
You shuffled his boxers down, his cock jumping free from its restraints and up against his clothed stomach. You gulped slightly at his size, about… 7 inches, But… how was that supposed to fit into your mouth?? “Uh… i don’t need to like… take the whole thing?” You asked for reassurance. getting more embarrassed as the absurd question escaped your lips.
You could tell Mattheo was enjoying every minute of this as you looked up at his charming smile as he let out another bark of laughter at your words. “Nah, you don’t gotta worry about that princess,” He said, easily holding eye contact as he played with a strand of hair. “I’ll train you for that another time,” He added. his words laced with arrogant confidence that he would do so. You rolled your eyes at his choice of words and tone, wanting to say something back but biting it back as Mattheo spoke again.
“It’s better if you start off with a little handjob.” Mattheo started, tone calm and patient. “Use your spit as a type of lube and it’ll feel 10 times better for any guy.” He instructed with a grin. You nodded, going to follow his instructions but you couldn’t help the awkward chuckle that escaped you, glancing up at Mattheo as you gripped him in your hand. You could feel how hard he was, his cock twitching slightly at the feeling of your colder hand wrapping firmly around the base. Mattheo too, chuckled. “What? i’m not gonna judge you,” He teased playfully. pulling your hair that out from the front of your face and onto your back.
You just awkwardly grinned before spitting the built up saliva from your mouth onto your hand, wrapping it around Mattheos cock. With an experimental flick of your wrist you spread the spread the spit around the base of his cock. You figured what you were doing was good when he let out a slight grunt and you saw his hand tighten around the desk. You gradually brought your hand up, blushing slightly as his cock twitched in your hand. You continued your movements, replicating what you’ve read from inappropriate books of girls in similar situations, spreading some of the spit around the swollen tip of his cock with your thumb. You could tell you were doing good by the way his breath hitched in his throat, his breathing picking up as his hips bucked into your touch, and the praise falling from his lips.
“Shit- you’re doing good. keep doing that but go a little faster.” Mattheo says, his grip on your hair tightening slightly. You listened, going faster as you cringed slightly at the feeling of the spit being spread around on your hand. You couldn’t help but reach your hand inbetween your thighs to help relieve some of the painful arousal, palming yourself through your soaked panties. You relished at the occasional moan or grunt that left his mouth and his laboured breathing.
Usually, at this point in the perverted books you’ve read, the girl would start to use her mouth. You weren’t sure if you should just go for it or wait. Trusting your gut you placed an experimental kitten lick along the side of his shaft, making him let out a breathy moan, his hand going to place itself gently on your hair, fingers entangling themselves with your hair.
You did the same thing along his entire shaft up to his tip. His fingers tightening around your locks of hair. “Try taking it into your mouth now,” He said, looking down at you. You bit your lip slightly as you let out a quick snort of laughter at his words, not being able to take this too seriously as the alcohol in your system was making everything ten times funnier.
“C’mon don’t be scared.” He teased, grinning at your laughter. His hand pushing your head slightly to edge you on. You just grinned slightly, glancing up at him.
His face flushed slightly as he bit his cheek, looking down at you. chest slowly going up and down. You watched as his arms flexed as you took him into your mouth, gagging as you quickly felt him go farther into your mouth than you’ve ever felt before. Stopping at just half his length before you were attempting to pull back. His hand held your head in place for a couple seconds before letting up, his hand falling back to his side. A ‘pop’ sounded in the room as you pulled back, coughing and wiping the bit of spit that seeped out from the corners of your mouth. You could feel the slight stretch of your mouth at the edge of , it was an uncomfortable feeling.
He smiled down at you recovered yourself. “Was that ok?” He asked, his tone patient. He wanted to make sure you were comfortable and that everything was going at an ok pace for you.
You smiled up at him as you nodded. “I can continue,” You said eagerly. Waiting for him to agree as you grasped him in your hand again. slowly going up and down with your hand.
He nodded down at you, “Yeah. Try using your tongue a bit more while going…. uh.. up and down, yeah?” He asked, not sure exactly how to explain it. You smiled in response, taking him into your mouth again. It was easier to do this time though you could still only take about half of him. You let your tongue slide against the bottom of his shaft along a vein as you (attempted) to bop your head. the unfamiliar movement feeling awkward to do as you placed your hand on his thighs for support.
“Yeah shit- like that.” He said, his hand again finding solace on your head again. his hips gently thrusting into your mouth. Making you gag slightly. “Use your hand on the bit you can’t fit into your mouth-“ He said through moans, his voice sounding more desperate now. You followed what he said, your hand gripping the bit of his cock that you couldn’t fit into your mouth, jerking him off.
You took his increasing moans and tightened grip on your hair as a sign that you’re doing good as you continued your movements. Gagging slightly as you struggled to breathe through your nose, eventually needing to pull away as you coughed slightly. You decided to replace the absence of your mouth with your hand as you caught your breath.
“You’re doing good for your first time,” Mattheo commented with a smirk, his face flushed. His hand moving down to wipe the spit from your face. “You sure you’re not lying to me?” He asked. Looking at you with slight, playful skepticism.
You bit your lip slightly in embarrassment as you admitted without fully thinking: “I read books… and watched a couple videos.”
Your face flushed in embarrassment at your sudden admission, taking in Mattheo’s reaction as his eyes widened slightly before quickly being replaced with amusement. “I knew you were a little too good of a student.” He teased with a smirk, hand going back to your hair as he pulled slightly, “Now c’mon. You’re supposed to be giving a blowjob. Not a handjob.”
You then continued. Attempting to get used to the full feeling in your mouth along with needing to breathe through your nose. Your jaw slowly starting to ache. Mattheo started pushing your head further down his cock, making you gag around him which seemed to only turn him on more. “Fuck… can’t wait to train your throat another time.” He said through a mix of a moan and groan. His words didn’t fully process through your lust and alcohol clouded brain. “You mind if i help you a little bit? hm?” He asked, hand twirling your hair into more of a makeshift ponytail. You just nodded as much as you could in response to his words. looking at him with lust-over, wide eyes.
He grinned as he bit his lip as you looked up at him, chuckling slightly. “Fuck yeah.., knew you’d agree.” He mumbled as he gripped your hair into a more firm grip as he started moving your head back and forth by your hair. With Mattheo controlling your movements you could focus more on trying to add to the pleasure with your tongue. swirling it around his cock as you placed small ‘kitten lick’ like flicks on the tip when he pulled you back.
You could only take it as he face-fucked you eagerly. And god was his sounds divine. His American accent making his random mumbles of curses or praise hotter, “Shit.. taking this like a champ, surprisingly.”
Or the occasional, every once in a while, quick whimpers that’d escape up his throat and out of his mouth. You just felt dizzy with excitement not only at what you’re doing- but the sudden revelation that he may like you too, or even that he chose you to hook up with of all girls. Your hands rested on his thighs as they started to flex more and more often, as well as his moans increase in pitch slightly.
Mattheo pulls you off his cock as he came. Not sure of your boundaries yet so he didn’t want to do anything too…. kinky?
You quickly started trying to fill your lungs with oxygen as you coughed softly, not as bad as the last two times though. You watched as Mattheo came, jacking himself off through it as his cum spurted out onto his shirt and hand.
You flinched as you felt something land on your face, blinking as you reached your hand up to touch at the sticky liquid on your face. Mattheo too noticed as his eyes widened slightly, quickly moving his hand to your face, wiping the cum off with his thumb. “Shit- sorry..” He said.
What you did next you weren’t sure if it was because you were genuinely curious, or too drunk to think properly. You held his wrist in place as you licked the cum off his thumb, grin plastered on your face as you took in his reaction. His cum tasted kind of salty and bitter, though not the worst thing you’ve tasted. Mattheo watched in shock combined with amusement as he grinned. “Well? how did it taste?” He asked, looking down at you as he shoved himself back into the confines of his pants. Amused at your actions. clearly he underestimated how much of a freak you really were.
You just grinned up at him as you let go of his wrist. “I’d take that over cottage cheese,” You said with a soft giggle as you were pulled up back to your feet by Mattheo. wobbling slightly as you got used to needing to stand on your feet.
Mattheo kept his hand in yours as he smiled at you, wiping the spit and small bits of his cum still on your face off. “Should i keep that in mind for our date?” He said, tone half confident and questioning. Though before you could hear anything you heard an all to familiar voice from the hallway,
“This Classroom, Now.” The voice that you both recognized as Severus Snape said, voice inching closer to the door of the room you two were in. You and Mattheo shared a glance before you both quickly went and hid behind a pile of random class stuff. Perfectly hiding the two of you when you sat.
You two glanced at each other as you both grinned before jumping slightly as the door to the class slammed open and then closed. “Sit.” Severus Snape demanded as he walked dangerously close to the two of you. “The amount of times i have caught you two doing some type of obscenity in public is As.tro.nom.i.cal.” Snape spoke, putting pointed emphasis on ‘astronomical’.
“We’re teenagers being teenagers, what else would you expect?” The voice of a student said. You and Mattheo both shared a glance as you both stifled back chuckles, recognizing the voice. Fred Weasley, which most likely meant the other student was Angelina. You could practically hear the grin on Freds face.
“Teenager or not i expect you to have some decency.” Snape spat out, strictness and annoyance in his tone. “Especially since you’re only here for two and a half more weeks.” Snape added, putting emphasis as he spoke ‘two and a half.’ You covered your mouth as you giggled quietly, scooting closer to Mattheo as he moved his arm to make room for you. You two practically cuddling against eachother as you two listened to Fred and Angelina get lectured by Professor Snape.
Mattheo glanced down at you before smiling, genuinely. Whispering down to you: “As i was saying, date tomorrow morning at Hogsmeade? Three Broomsticks?” He asked. Silently hoping in his head that you’ll say yes.
You shared his genuine smile as you nodded excitedly, “Of course.” You tried to whisper back casually, though your tone exposed the excitement coursing through you as you rested your head on his shoulder and smiled like an idiot.
“Though you should probably clean the cum off your shirt.”
⟡ ݁₊ . written by enzosbabyangel, 2025 on tumblr! © do not repost on any third party website or repost as yours. Doing so will result in me blocking you and reporting.
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ok but i need the evrart claire essay
Okay just be warned that this is gonna be less of an "essay" and more of a loose collection of thoughts, and I don't know how fresh or novel any of these ideas are going to be when it pertains to popular Disco Elysium fan discourse because I don't really do fandom, you know?
Anyway, I think the most obvious factet of Evrart's character is how he very intentionally calls to mind a caricature of corrupt union leaders, the image of a sleazy mobster who only cares about his own personal gain but pays lip service to leftist politics and pretends to care about the interests of workers as a way to obtain and maintain his power. And I think a lot of people straightforwardly read him as such, because that's the way he carries himself and the type of character the game is riffing on. There's also the question of how much of Evrart's manipulative, duplicitous attitude is just how he normally acts and how much of it is him specifically acting that way towards Harry and Kim specifically, it's important to have in mind that your main character is a cop and that would definitely play a role in making Evrart go out of his way to be a bit more of a bastard and toy with you a bit before he decides to actually do anything helpful.
However, once you dig a little deeper into his characterization, it becomes clear that he's pulling a very interesting double bluff, because it becomes apparent that the shady mobster who only cares about his personal gain is an act he's putting on. He's very self-aware about the fact that he's playing the villain, he seems to actively revel in it, but ultimately, it seems like he does it because playing the villain is the way he gets shit done.
This is not to say he's not actually corrupt, or that he's not ALSO involved in all sorts of shady stuff and taking advantage of his position of power, but the game does make it apparent that on some level he DOES have the interests of the people of Martinaise at heart.
For example, it is textually stated that the harbor doesn't need a night watchman, and Evrart created the position specifically to provide a source of income for René. He knows the pension Rene gets is not enough for him to live on, but he's also aware that René is the sort of right-wing guy who would rather starve to death than take a handout (especially from those dirty union commies), so Evrart created a job position which pretty much involves doing nothing for a few hours every night so he could help him with his economic troubles in a way he wouldn't refuse out of principle. René hates his guts, ideologically stands against everything his organization represents, and is generally an unlikeable asshole and a fascist prick, but he's also a disadvantaged member of the community and that seems to matter more.
Even when he asks you to get the signatures to build the community center, which is definitely one of the most morally questionable things he does during the events of the game (as it will improve the community, but at the same time displace the people from the fishing village), his intentions seem to be ultimately good. Due to the very nature of his character and the act he puts on, it's purposefully hard to tell when he's being sincere and when he's being manipulative. However, if Harry's drama and empathy skills are high enough when he's confronted about it, you'll be able to tell that he's not lying about his motives for wanting to build a community center or about the fact that he intends to provide better housing for the people displaced by the project, and that he feels genuine rage about their current living conditions. It can still be said that he's ignoring their self-determination and essentially forcing these people out of their current homes, but he does seem to have good intentions and think he's doing a good thing for them in the long run, even if his methods are morally questionable at best.
In that way, the Union is an extension of him in this regard too. They're pretty unapologetic about the fact that they're openly operating as a crime syndicate, but the game doesn't give you any reasons to believe they're lying when they say they're doing it as a way to muslce out all the more dangerous gangs and crime organizations out of Martinaise, or that their involvement in the drug trade is at least partially motivated by a desire to make sure it's not controlled by more dangerous and violent crime organizations. Again, they're playing the villain as a way to fill that power vacuum and make sure more dangerous people don't fill that role (but of course, that doesn't erase the fact that, noble as their intentions may be, they're still involved in all these shady activities and turning a pretty substantial profit from them too)
Of course, on the other hand, just because the game seems to hint at the fact that Evrart and the Union are, deep down, a force for good, doesn't erase the fact that he's done plenty of bad shit to further his interests, and the game doesn't shy away from this. He's still extremely corrupt, his long-term plan to wrestle control of the harbor away from the company and turn it into a worker-owned operation (which *would* massively improve the material conditions of the dockworkers if succesful) involves endangering the lives of a lot of his own workers, he and his brother Edgar pass the position of union foreman back and forth between each other to circumvent the term limit and keep themselves in power indefinitely, and if you explore all dialogue options with the Deserter it's all but explicitly stated that they rose to power by getting him to assassinate the previous Union forewoman.
These are things that Evrart himself would probably rationalize as sacrifices that need to be made for the greater good. After all, it is implied that the previous union forewoman was also corrupt, except in favor of the company's interests, and might have even been a company plant. However, this doesn't make those things morally right. Good intentions nonwithstanding, it's clear that the Claire brothers are very "the ends justify the means" kind of people, they probably see getting the previous Union leader killed or endangering the lives of the dockworkers to overthrow the company that exploits them as "pulling the lever" in the trolley problem, which is extremely callous at best.
Here's where we get a little more into "disjointed thoughts" territory, but Evrart can also be seen as a critique of the limits of trade unionism and social democrat politics. Something that I completely missed in my first playthrough but was able to catch on during my second is that the people of the fishing village refuse to unionize, and as a result they don't get the same level of support and protection that the union provides to the people of the more urban section of Martinaise. This is apparently widely known enough for characters other than Evrart to comment on (I forget what character I learned this from, but it was definitely not Evrart). So it's clear that Evrart and the Union put their interests of the members of their own organization over those of other working class people, which is one criticism that can be leveraged against the way a lot of leftists seem to treat unions as the ultimate tool for worker class liberation.
Similarly, when Evrart tells you his long-term plans, it's clear that his ultimate goals don't involve complete worker liberation. As far as the game shows, he's a socdem who's still looking to work within the confines of capitalism. There are more radically left wing characters in Disco Elysium, but Evrart is the only one with any actual power to affect change, which kinda speaks to the lack of presence of more hardline leftist positions in mainstream politics. As someone living in Latin America, I kinda ended up seeing a bit of a lot of our currrent socdem politicians in him in that respect, I guess, but i'd need more time to articulate this thought properly, I guess.
Ultimately, I think Evrart is an amazingly crafted character. He evokes a well-known archetype of a shady, corrupt, power-hungry union leader, but he adds a lot of depth, self-awareness, and nuance to it and subverts that characterization in several ways. I think he atually serves an important role of ideologically challenging players who share the developers' and writers' political leanings. I think it would have been very self-congratulatory and autocomplacent to make the most influential leftist character in the game an unambiguously good paragon of workers' rights and working class liberation. By instead giving us someone who's an absolute callous bastard who definitely has a bit of blood on his hands, who's a socdem at best and a self-serving mob boss at worst, but can ultimately be interpreted as a force for good, and asking the players to decide what they think of him I think it brings interesting questions to the table of our commitment to material gains, what sorts of people we're willing to work with, and the sort of acts we're willing to tolerate, and makes the game a lot more thematically rich.
I also think a good analysis of Evrart is incomplete without an analysis of the ways in which he serves a a charater foil for Joyce, but I don't feel like getting into that rn.
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